Monday, January 8, 2007

Upcoming Event Press! Cool!

Ahhh, folks, we're getting some Internet Press on the upcoming event...

If you haven't seen it, you can check it out online at:

Contemporary Esthetics & Restorative Practice or


Sunday, January 7, 2007

What are you New Year's Goals for REI?

Real Estate Investing is like any other business you or I may own. Planning is an essential part of it!

For instance, a partner of mine, Tom, and I recently sat down and literally spent 2 hours going over what our 2007 goals & ambitions were.

We identified the end goal and worked backwards, effectively backing into what we need to do daily, weekly and monthly to get where it is we want to be with one of our partnerships.

If you have a goal of buying one house each month and then re-habbing it and then selling it or renting it out, or 12 this year, this is a certain number of homes you'll have to make offers on in order to buy one each month, right? And, some months, you might even end up buying MORE than one.

Start with reasonable goals. If you hit them, up the ante. It's as simple as that.

Check back in about 3 or 4 days. I'll be introducing you to a project that is actually in the works, and I'll get you up-to-speed on it and take you through our exit strategies (notice, more than one!).

Later, Jerry

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