Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Best Advice for ANY Business...Not Just Crabbing

I'm a huge fan of Discovery Channel's Deadliest Catch. 

Capt Sig Hansen is the owner of the Northwestern and one of the show's main characters in the REAL real life drama.

In a live chat back in 2007, he gives some great advice we should all think about:

Ttommy farrel: How do you always catch the most crab?
Sig: We've been fortunate the last few years. One thing I've noticed is that if the fleet hear of a hot spot, they tend to huddle together and fish that area the next year. We've been sly in venturing in the opposite direction and finding crab elsewhere. I think a big advantage in doing that is even if there's less crab per pot, there are less pots to compete with. That makes your average better and you can fish in an area longer, hopefully having a better season in the end.

So...The deal is: Are you following the rest of the fleet? Or, are you going against the grain?