Thursday, July 9, 2009

Deals...Even in Michigan!

Just got this email from member, David, in Michigan. David's a dentist and just reported...

My brother and I just closed on a house in Bay City Mi. we profitted about 15K on a 30 K house. What a learning experience...We sold it with a bout 20k in equity for the owner (young family which we wanted to help them, figure win win for all, we profit and so do they) Now looking for the next deal, just taking it slow here in Michigan. Sign me up for clearpath soc"

By the way, info on ClearPath Society is available at or

There's deals out there! Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ugly Commercial Market Ahead - GREAT OPPORTUNITY!

Just read this interesting article about Commercial Real Estate. If you want the most up to date articles, check out and type in "Commercial Real Estate Foreclosure Rates"

What does this mean to you? Great bargains! You'll actually be able to buy stuff based on cash-flow model!!

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


A really great video from the "master" you gotta see!

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Monday, January 26, 2009

Where else is Jerry?

If you're wondering where I've been lately:

You can check out my other blog over on

It is:

Also, be sure to visit my newly re-vamped and simple site:

You can follow me on Twitter, too. I post some hilarious stuff!

And finally, if you're on facebook, add me as a friend!

Adios, Jerry

P.S. I have an announcement I'll likely make mid-February about my activities right NOW in real estate investing. I'm working through the bugs on a brand-new investment vehicle that has shown a few of my friends a nice 45%+ return in their IRAs using small dollar amounts! I can't wait to proof it out and share it!

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit