Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Art of Pre-Screening Raw Land

I conducted a one-hour training today for Platinum Members of the SOREM community ( and it turned out quite well.

I've included the first few of my 17-item, quick-prescreening checklist:

I. Location in relationship to assumption you know marketplace. Everyone knows the axiom: Location, Location, Location. Dunes Landing property is good example.

II. Price – High, low, similar. If high or low, why?
a. If low, could be problems, looking for fast sale,
b. If high, may have a plan in place, entitlements, approvals, due diligence you need only verify
c. Ask Questions when you get to that point.

REMEMBER: You are looking for CLUES that lead you to believe there is a distressed property, unsophisticated seller or motivated seller!

III. Motivated Seller – How is it advertised, wording, offering creative deal structure.
a. Motivated Seller!
b. Seller Financing!
c. Seller Leaving State
d. Must Sell This Weekend
e. Partnership Problems!
f. Foreclosure!
g. Bank REPO/REO
h. Owner Will Carry
i. Kick me I am down!

Anyway, there's the first three things I analyze when beginning to look at different raw land properties.

Later this week, I'll post the big reasons WHY RAW LAND is a great niche in real estate investing to be involved in!

Go Make an Offer!

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