Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Worst Investment Every Dentist is Guilty of...

It's been too long and I've been too distracted with other 'stuff' to BLOG, but now I'm back.

I know, I know, you're so excited you can hardly keep yourself from hitting DELETE.

But, hang on...The next couple of BLOG posts will be well worth your time, especially in THIS
economic climate.


Well, because now seems like an appropriate time to mention the worst investment ever:

It's not necessarily stocks. It's definitely not real estate (contrarily, now is
about the best time EVER to be an investor).

It's NOT your home.

It's not your ex-wife. (Although some clients I know have no choice!)

Quite honestly, it's...


Yes. Cars. Trucks. SUVs. (Note: I am not talking antiques.)

Most of us are involved in this really, really stupid trap.

And, I'm super guilty.

We buy depreciating assets, like cars.

You know: Crap that devalues the instant we take possession.

Granted, sometimes it can't be avoided.

However, my experience tells me most of time it can be.

Where does the problem start?

Simple. MOST folks out there don't understand the word 'depreciation'
nor do they understand how to COMBAT it.

My next couple of emails will speak to both these subjects.

We'll get into what depreciation can mean (bad and good).

And, I'll hit the easiest things you and I can do kick the crap out of it.

After all, it's robbing us blind; most of us ignore it. Smart people USE it to their advantage!

Adios, Jerry

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