Thursday, July 9, 2009

Deals...Even in Michigan!

Just got this email from member, David, in Michigan. David's a dentist and just reported...

My brother and I just closed on a house in Bay City Mi. we profitted about 15K on a 30 K house. What a learning experience...We sold it with a bout 20k in equity for the owner (young family which we wanted to help them, figure win win for all, we profit and so do they) Now looking for the next deal, just taking it slow here in Michigan. Sign me up for clearpath soc"

By the way, info on ClearPath Society is available at or

There's deals out there! Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ugly Commercial Market Ahead - GREAT OPPORTUNITY!

Just read this interesting article about Commercial Real Estate. If you want the most up to date articles, check out and type in "Commercial Real Estate Foreclosure Rates"

What does this mean to you? Great bargains! You'll actually be able to buy stuff based on cash-flow model!!

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


A really great video from the "master" you gotta see!

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Monday, January 26, 2009

Where else is Jerry?

If you're wondering where I've been lately:

You can check out my other blog over on

It is:

Also, be sure to visit my newly re-vamped and simple site:

You can follow me on Twitter, too. I post some hilarious stuff!

And finally, if you're on facebook, add me as a friend!

Adios, Jerry

P.S. I have an announcement I'll likely make mid-February about my activities right NOW in real estate investing. I'm working through the bugs on a brand-new investment vehicle that has shown a few of my friends a nice 45%+ return in their IRAs using small dollar amounts! I can't wait to proof it out and share it!

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sir Richard Branson on Economic Recovery

I thought you'd appreciate Sir Richard's outlook. I think he's right
on target.

Once again, it's up to us "little guys."

Let's get it done...Jerry

Branson on Business: It's up to all of us entrepreneurs

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A message we should listen carefully to?


Check out this story:

If you're buying properties, they better be cash flowing.

If that message hasn't sunk in by now, then you're doomed to get into trouble.

With the rush of people from residential to commercial (developers, builders, investors), there's bound to be a mess made soon enough.

The patient will win at the slaughter!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How to Handle an Un-Motivated Seller in this Market

Believe it or not, there are a lot of sellers out there that reality
has yet to hit.

House prices are still high in many areas; but time and an increased
need or perceived need will soften the beach head.

In the meantime though, it can make buying or making offers frustrating.

There are two ways you can handle sellers like this:

1) wait for time and circumstances to change their mind or their
lives; or,

2) go on to the next seller.

If you choose #2, be sure to go back on occasion and check in on the
seller you skipped.

Because, when time and circumstances change, you want to be there for

Adios, Jerry

Friday, November 7, 2008

Success Magazine Article

Check out page 86 and 87 in this month's issue of Success magazine. It's the one with Donny Deutsch on the cover (The Next Big Idea guy).

Great and short article on Real Estate Investing right now - plus, there's a tie in with the last post I made on depreciation.

Is there really a better investment than real estate?

Yes. There is. But, the answer may surprise you.

I'll reveal it in my next post. One you WON'T want to miss.

Adios, Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Depreciation - How to use if to your almost unfair advantage

The last couple of posts I've written, I've talked about depreciation some.

You know what BAD depreciation is (see last two posts). 

So what is GOOD depreciation?

Answer: The kind that is associated with Real Estate Investments!

OK, so smarty, here's the real definition for Depreciation associated with real estate investments...

Checking my handy-dandy Barron's Real Estate Guide, here's what if says:

"Realty that is subject to deductions for depreciation. Depreciation here, is allocating the cost of an asset over its useful life."

What that means is that every year, you get to DEPRECIATE your property and take a DEDUCTION OFF YOUR TAXES for this depreciation.

How cool is that?

I'll tell you...but you have to wait for the next BLOG post. But, trust me, you'll like it even more, and then, all this depreciation stuff will tie in together.

Oh, BTW, if you've bought a new car in the last 2 weeks AND have been a  reader of my Blog, SHAME ON YOU!

Adios, Jerry

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Follow-up to last Blog Post...BAD Investments

So what is the definition of a Depreciating Asset?

In my last blog post I mentioned them.

To define, let's first define 'Depreciation.'

1) Depreciation in accounting terms means, "allocating the cost of an asset over its estimated useful life."

2) Depreciation in tax terms means, "an annual tax deduction for wear and tear and loss of utility of property."

3) Depreciation in automobile terms means, "a decrease or loss in value due to age, wear and tear or market conditions."

Believe it or not, there are more definitions. Would you believe it also means, "an instance of disparaging or belittlement?"

OK, so what are we talking about?

For the conversation yesterday, let's focus on #3. 

Do you have a new or newer car?

In the last 5 years, I've had 6 new (to me) cars. The cheapest one, a new Dodge truck, cost just under $40,000. I owned if for 3 years. I just sold it for $21,000. I put 39,000 miles on it. Can you believe I spent, after tires, maintenance, insurance, etc. are considered, over 70 cents a MILE just to look cool and feel good?

I just bought back a 2004 Lincoln Navigator I originally bought new for $59,000. I sold it for about $28,000 after 2 years. I just paid $13,000 to buy it back. It has only 72,000 miles on it and is in great condition and runs very well with a 2 year warranty remaining.

In an estimate of fast math just now, I figured I have spent over $250,000 on worthless sheet metal with motors and brakes attached in the last 5 years. 

If I had that invested in 12% student loan notes which my dental assisting school sells, any idea how much I'd have made over a period of just 24 months? A lot.

The lesson here: DO NOT BUY NEW CARS. Stupid people with small brains and a personality disorder buy new cars. I can say that because I am a reformed New Car Buyer. If you're buying new cars, THINK before doing. THINK about your kids or grandkids or spouse or favorite non-profit...heck, even your retirement plan!

Instead, buy used. 2 year old or older. Let some other moron swallow the depreciation. 

You know, I even KNEW I was the moron at one point, but my ego didn't care. 

Financial literacy, as Robert Kiyosaki says, is the beginning of your wealth education. Get literate. Figure out what terms like DEPRECIATION mean and USE that to your advantage.

Next Blog Post: Depreciation and USING it to your practically UNFAIR advantage in... REAL ESTATE Investments!

Adios, Jerry