Friday, August 17, 2007

A Jet, Dentists & Better-than-Trump

Those of you getting the BLOG notifications via email will have already gotten this, or, perhaps the filters picked it up? If they did, here it is again. I'd like to invite my casual BLOG readers, too.

You don't get a chance like this very often so when you do, common sense would tell you: BE AVAILABLE! below and you'll see what I am talking about!!

Enjoy your weekend...More to come, next week. It's heating up EVERYWHERE.



Subject: Trump, a Jet and Dentists…What?
Date: August 17, 2007 11:15:08 AM PDT

Hi Jerry here.

Can you do me a favor? Pull out your calendar for August 29th and
look to see if you have 9AM PST (noon EST) available for about 60

Why? Glad you asked.

This 60 minutes could (if you choose) affect your 2008 so
dramatically, you'll barely recognize 2007 and it could very well
be the last year of your life you are *forced* or have to practice
as a Dentist and earn a Dentist's income (nothing wrong with it,
but, hey, we can all use and invest more, right?)

Don't get me wrong. Dentistry has been and is good to me (I know, I
have a dental office my SofTouch Dental operates that I am lookin'
at right out the window). BUT, I'm not the fella that has to
practice it for a living. I just heard from a client and his direct
quote was, "...after 20+ years of doing dentistry my neck and back
have had enough!"

Look, it's not often you get to ask ANY question you want of a guy
that has a Gulfstream Jet, does what Trump does (only in my humble
opinion, BETTER than Trump) and has a monthly income in a month
(and sometimes in a day) most of us "high income Americans in the
top 1%" make in a year.

You've heard the saying, "If you want to be wealthy, do what
wealthy people do and get involved with them." You're not going to
get to the next level hangin' with the people that are below are at
the level you're at. PERIOD.

That said, I've asked my friend Ron LeGrand® (the guy with the Jet)
to spend SIXTY minutes (I can't tell you how much that'd cost if I
wanted it all for myself!) with YOU, ME and ANYONE else that wants
to join me for this once-in-a-lifetime call.

I'll send more details later, as in a day or two, but I wanted you
to quickly clear your schedule NOW so you could be sure to be
available .

This is a no-cost, no-charge call. A gift from me to you. More to
come. But, do clear out that hour, now. It'll be the best hour
you'll spend on the phone...ALL YEAR. I guarantee it. (If it's not,
you just let me know and I'll send you a $100 Starbucks Card for
your trouble...SERIOUSLY). to you soon. Have a good weekend, Jerry

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