Saturday, September 8, 2007

How to get more deals done quicker.

Yesterday afternoon I came home to what I thought would be a full house. Nothing doing. Empty.

Occasionally I get the chance to just grab a frosty cold one out of my garage fridge and walk around my property with my dog, Ruby (she’s a JackShitPoodle – Jack Russell, Shitzu & Poodle and cute and happy as can be).

The weather was perfect – 75 or 80 degrees. Slight breeze. Clear Sky. Visibility was about 10 miles or so down onto the valley and over to the evergreen coast range. A picture-perfect day.

So Ruby and I just strolled around. The frosty one disappeared quickly; and I had an idea pop into my head at almost that very moment: How I could DOUBLE/TRIPLE the number of residential AND commercial deals I am doing, now, in a matter of days, weeks at the most.

It wasn’t just optioning everything I found (but, options are I think, the best tool in a real estate investor’s arsenal). It wasn’t hiring 2 or 3 more employees (I have enough and via the dental assisting school, just took on 4 more!).

It WAS one of those situations where the answer had been in front of me for a long time.

You’ve heard me talk about my former college room mate and good friend and broker on deals, Kevin, right?

Well, my thought was this: What if Kevin was RIGHT HERE, in TOWN and able to work with Tom and I on an everyday basis?

Could we get MORE or FEWER deals done?

Duh. The answer was as clear as a boring old Lager (I like IPAs if you’re into craft beers).


So, after a quick call to Tom to find out his opinion, I discovered he was completely on board, I called Kevin and asked him to thank about it, over this weekend, to see what in fact he REALLY thought of the whole deal: moving 2 kids and family about 3 hrs north…

Time will tell and I hope to talk to him Monday…

There are 2 lessons here: RELAX once in a while and your mind will clear up and cool ideas will come to you. Next, look around and think about WHO you could bring into your investing organization to help you hit your goals FASTER and in turn, bringing them up the ladder with you – the old helping others get what they want deal…It’s AWESOME!

Some updates: Registrations for the real estate boot camp are starting to really pour in. We’ll hit capacity for sure, so don’t delay if you have plans to attend (can’t understand why not? It’s going to be a killer 3-day event!)

The first issue of the Real Estate Investing Letter hit the streets last week. Sub info is available by emailing Melody in my office:

Talk to you soon…

P.S. Here's a cool pic of Ron LeGrand(R) and I up at his lodge in Ketchikan, AK just a couple weeks ago. A nice Halibut for sure. If you love to fish and you'd like to try out Alaskan-Style fishing, here are two places I can't recommend enough: and my favorite brother's adventures:

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