Sunday, September 30, 2007

Video Blogging...Coming Soon!

Just a heads-up. I've been testing a really cool BLOG tool that will allow me to post
a video BLOG.

I'll let you know as soon as it's operational and the first one has been posted!

This should be cool!

Oh...Gotta have a tip here, too, about real estate:

If you find yourself TRYING to make a deal work, go back and ask yourself, "Is this a MOTIVATED Seller/Buyer?"

If they are not motivated, sometimes, it's just easier to WHACK 'em (as Ron says) and move on!

They'll piss you off, steal your dreams and annoy the crap out of you.

YOU are in the driver's seat. YOU don't need to buy, so go find another, more motivated seller.

If you are SELLING, keep in mind, always, you should avoid situations of desperation. THAT happens when you buy wrong using YOUR money and paying too much.

OK..."see" ya soon...Jerry

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