Monday, October 22, 2007

Impt Call Tomorrow! Video tells all!

Hi Guys,

Late last week I sent an email to you about Dr. Larry Litman. His personal video testimony and personal message to you was about getting involved, today, in real estate investing. I just got off the phone with his son, David. After a quick exchange of niceties, David exclaimed, "I'm going to be putting my kid in Gold Diapers!" You see, he was on his way to yet another closing for a property he just picked up days ago.

David and his Dad, Dr. Larry, will earn over $400,000 this year in the real estate foreclosure market.

Their primary trainer was none other than Ted Thomas.

Ted's my mentor as well, and I can't think of a better guy to get you educated, excited and informed about the incredible...


in the foreclosure market!

Never has it been this easy to profit on foreclosures! Tomorrow, starting at 9AM PST (NOON EST) Ted, myself and David Litman will take you through, step-by-step in under 60-minutes how to create very large and lucrative pay days...that could very well
dwarf your dental practice income in a matter of months!

So...I'm inviting you to join me tomorrow at 9AM PST (12 noon EST). There's no charge from me for the call and regular long distance rates apply.

Here's the call-in information:


Then, enter 3628712# and you will be connected.

I hope to see you on tomorrow's call so you can learn these incredible secrets and begin profiting from foreclosures! Until then,


P.S. Again, the call-in number is 212-786-7191 and then enter 3628712#
to get connected!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Residential Deals...Friday's Activity

Oct 19 proved to be a busy day.

Tom and I held one auction to sell a house we had an option on. We ended the auction early with an offer we couldn't refuse. We signed the purchase and sales agreement, took a non-refundable EM deposit and opened escrow. Net Profit: Approx $17,500. Should close in the next 2 to 3 weeks, barring any snags...which you just never know!

After that, we visited with a couple needing a quick sale on their home for a variety of reasons. This turned out to be our 3rd visit to their home, never spending longer than about 30 minutes each time. After signing the purchase and sales agreement, Tom and I wrapped up our afternoon celebrating a good $60,000 to $70,000 potential profit Friday.

This evening, I am working on the last few updates for the October LOS issue. After that's wrapped on Monday or Tuesday, I'll start the Real Estate Investing Letter and from there, it'll be about time to head to Orlando for the 3rd Real Estate Boot Camp for Busy Dentists...

Hope to see you there! Best, Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Personal Message from...Larry Litman, DDS

Hey everyone,

Usually it's me posting videos to the BLOG.

But today, it's different: a TREAT! (not a trick) with Real Estate Boot Camp Grad Dr. Larry Litman of Champaign, IL.

In Larry's own words, you'll hear about his successes in real estate investing this past year...

Click here to watch Larry's video:

More info. of course available at

Best, Jerry

Saturday, October 13, 2007

57-yr Old DDS Asks for Advice...

Earlier this week I received an email from a 57-yr old Dentist looking to pump up his retirement. Here's what he wrote:


Would you mind answering a question for me?

I am a 57 year old DDS with a profit sharing/401k for myself and 4 employees. I have approx. $780,000 in my personal part of the plan. Is there a way for me to continue the plan at work but also open a Roth 401k, too? If I had an extra $30,000 a year (beyond my business PS/401k $) to invest, how would you recommend I invest it? Would I need to start another “entity?" I am interested in your Real estate info. as well.

Steve Smith, DDS
[name changed]

Hi Steve,

I'm no atty or CPA or tax-type adviser so I can only tell you what I would do were I you. Verify with the proper folks prior to engaging.

1) yes, create a new entity...An LLC perhaps that owns equipment and leases it to your dental ofc. EVEN if it's a few pieces of eqpt and there can be cash flow through the entity via your other entities to soup-up your accounts. That LLC can then apply for a Roth 401(k) via Equity Trust (

2) I LOVE private lending secured with real estate where you can charge 3 points and 12 to 15% interest on top. My dad does a lot of this out of his IRAs and he does very well and we keep things pretty tight. I also do some with my IRAs as well. That total of 15 to 18% a year amounts to about 23 to 25% a year when you are turning your money over 2x a year!!! HUGE bucks!

3) Shoot me your physical addr, I will have Melody in my ofc send the info on the boot camp to you. You can also check it out online at and my BLOG at

Have a great week! Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Still MORE Success Stories!

Plus, don't forget: Friday, 12th of October @ 9AM PST... visit

Sunday, October 7, 2007

How to Beat Your Competition

These are MUST-HAVEs in ANY business.

Enjoy today's video blog.

Best, Jerry

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

High End Residential BOOM TIME?

This is a Counter-Intuitive post, for sure.

If you're a high-end home investor, or aspire to be one, this post is good news!

Best, Jerry

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Results from the field...Even in a "SLOW" Market!

The media would have us all believe real estate is NOT a great deal or is dangerous to be involved in. My friend Dr. Jim McLaughlin risked a whopping $100 (oooh!) and cashed a check for close to $75,000! Learn more in today's video BLOG post!
See you in Orlando! (Nov 16-18) Call Melody in my ofc for more information and to register! 503-339-6000!

Go with your GUT.

I can't reiterate the importance of "going with your gut instinct" on deals.

An example: I had a meeting with a Seller some time back. We met over food (my favorite) and the sweat from his palm had barely evaporated from MY hand when he starts in on me.

There were few if any pleasantries.

I got a bad vibe right off the bat.

I sensed desperation, caution, misplaced accusations, and defensiveness.

My gut said, "Screw it."

In my mind, the deal died before I was even served my meal.

I can't accentuate (I love that word even though it's out of context here!) enough the importance of going with your gut. It's powerful. It's there for a reason.

Oh...and one more impt thought: LISTEN to you wife, too. She's about 99% right and that 1% is irrelevant. Trust me on that one. My wife's go the best intuition of anyone I've ever met...And it's dead-on.

Had I listened, I'd have made the IRS even happier this year.

Someone once said, "A smart man records and vows to never make the same mistake twice." A WISE man watches mistakes the smart man makes and never makes those mistakes, either.


Best, Jerry

P.S. Congrats go out to my long-time friend, Dr. Jim McLaughlin! I'll post a video BLOG soon on just why he deserves it!!!

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Monday, October 1, 2007


Hey there Fellow RE Investors...

Check out the first video post. I can't believe it, but I AM really getting into this new media.

There's a special announcement WITH this video, so please, check it out ASAP!

Be patient...if your connection is SLLLLLOOOOOW, it might take a min or two to load up!

SEE ya soon, Jerry

PS You'll notice I'm no 3-piece suit dude. Nope...This is just what I wear...