Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Go with your GUT.

I can't reiterate the importance of "going with your gut instinct" on deals.

An example: I had a meeting with a Seller some time back. We met over food (my favorite) and the sweat from his palm had barely evaporated from MY hand when he starts in on me.

There were few if any pleasantries.

I got a bad vibe right off the bat.

I sensed desperation, caution, misplaced accusations, and defensiveness.

My gut said, "Screw it."

In my mind, the deal died before I was even served my meal.

I can't accentuate (I love that word even though it's out of context here!) enough the importance of going with your gut. It's powerful. It's there for a reason.

Oh...and one more impt thought: LISTEN to you wife, too. She's about 99% right and that 1% is irrelevant. Trust me on that one. My wife's go the best intuition of anyone I've ever met...And it's dead-on.

Had I listened, I'd have made the IRS even happier this year.

Someone once said, "A smart man records and vows to never make the same mistake twice." A WISE man watches mistakes the smart man makes and never makes those mistakes, either.


Best, Jerry

P.S. Congrats go out to my long-time friend, Dr. Jim McLaughlin! I'll post a video BLOG soon on just why he deserves it!!!

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