Monday, October 22, 2007

Impt Call Tomorrow! Video tells all!

Hi Guys,

Late last week I sent an email to you about Dr. Larry Litman. His personal video testimony and personal message to you was about getting involved, today, in real estate investing. I just got off the phone with his son, David. After a quick exchange of niceties, David exclaimed, "I'm going to be putting my kid in Gold Diapers!" You see, he was on his way to yet another closing for a property he just picked up days ago.

David and his Dad, Dr. Larry, will earn over $400,000 this year in the real estate foreclosure market.

Their primary trainer was none other than Ted Thomas.

Ted's my mentor as well, and I can't think of a better guy to get you educated, excited and informed about the incredible...


in the foreclosure market!

Never has it been this easy to profit on foreclosures! Tomorrow, starting at 9AM PST (NOON EST) Ted, myself and David Litman will take you through, step-by-step in under 60-minutes how to create very large and lucrative pay days...that could very well
dwarf your dental practice income in a matter of months!

So...I'm inviting you to join me tomorrow at 9AM PST (12 noon EST). There's no charge from me for the call and regular long distance rates apply.

Here's the call-in information:


Then, enter 3628712# and you will be connected.

I hope to see you on tomorrow's call so you can learn these incredible secrets and begin profiting from foreclosures! Until then,


P.S. Again, the call-in number is 212-786-7191 and then enter 3628712#
to get connected!

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