Sunday, October 21, 2007

Residential Deals...Friday's Activity

Oct 19 proved to be a busy day.

Tom and I held one auction to sell a house we had an option on. We ended the auction early with an offer we couldn't refuse. We signed the purchase and sales agreement, took a non-refundable EM deposit and opened escrow. Net Profit: Approx $17,500. Should close in the next 2 to 3 weeks, barring any snags...which you just never know!

After that, we visited with a couple needing a quick sale on their home for a variety of reasons. This turned out to be our 3rd visit to their home, never spending longer than about 30 minutes each time. After signing the purchase and sales agreement, Tom and I wrapped up our afternoon celebrating a good $60,000 to $70,000 potential profit Friday.

This evening, I am working on the last few updates for the October LOS issue. After that's wrapped on Monday or Tuesday, I'll start the Real Estate Investing Letter and from there, it'll be about time to head to Orlando for the 3rd Real Estate Boot Camp for Busy Dentists...

Hope to see you there! Best, Jerry

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