Monday, November 26, 2007

2 Weeks is too long!

It's been almost two weeks since I last posted. Geez, feels like confessional!

Well, as you might imagine, a lot has happened and does happen to all of us in a 2 week period of time.

Let's see...

1) We had a major holiday
2) We all survived Black Friday and Cyber Monday
3) I held my last-ever real estate boot camp for busy dentists
5) Closed on a 6-plex with LOS Members (The Andersons & The Mahoneys)
6) Opened escrow on two other deals
7) Bought a house on a short-sale (I even held the second and paid less this time than the first time I bought it! Not hard in today's market and I bought it well the first time!), had it staged, and, it's being shown regularly - by itself and without me even being involved
8) Revived two commercial deals
9) Analyzing about a dozen rentals in Iowa
10) The 2nd Dental Assisting School class for Willamette Valley Dnntal Assisting School started (The 3rd kicks off in December) - check out the site:
11) I had a close relative, my grandmother June, pass away on Turkey Day
12)...there's more, but...Good enough.

Tonight's post is really all about getting things done.

I recently told 2 different groups of dentists totalling about 200 my thoughts on lack of time/shortage of...

Basically, one not having enough time to get done what they want to boils down to not having enough money to make the time available.

There's another way to look at this: If you had all the money you needed, you'd likely very quickly figure out how to better manage your time, right? I mean, why would you waste one minute on things you couldn't stand doing or really, had no right doing in the first place?

You have NO choice but to take command of your own time. This is one area of your life, during your work day, you SHOULD DEMAND that it be respected and utilized to the highest and best use at all times.

If you fail to take control of your time, money and opportunities will remain just out of reach.

If your goal, right now, is to develop a sideline business like real estate investing or like a dental assisting school (see my friend Richard Erickson, DDS - the dental assisting school originator - email him at and tell him Jerry sent you), you will no doubt have to make time somewhere some how, or spend the money to have someone else spend their time getting these businesses set up.

I guess my point here is simply this: If you think you don't have time to do something like invest in your future and insure yourself against having to rely on disability funds should you become injured or unable to practice, you're right.

If you THINK you have time and can squeeze it in somewhere, guess what? You're Right!

Now...Go Make an Offer!


Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

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