Monday, November 12, 2007

An Lesson from Lt Col Oliver North

This past Saturday I had the distinct pleasure of having dinner and sharing the stage with Lt. Col. Oliver North.

My good friend, Troy Skeen, the co-founder of Nehemiah's Ranch for Youth (you HAVE to check out his site:, had Col. North speak at his 1st Annual Ranch for Youth Fundraiser as the keynote speaker. The Col. and I were on-stage together to brow-beat some well-to-do folks here in Salem to donate to the most worthy cause: Children, Our Future Hope.

The Col. is an upstanding guy, funny, entertaining and one of the things I really liked about him: he was not afraid to ask the crowd for money!

Anyway, at dinner, he and I talked about how one of the most valuable arrangements folks like you and I can get involved with are "groups."

I don't mean like a "user group" on the internet, or a gang.

He talked specifically about how a lot of men could avoid being in situations that caused them grief, harm and money if they stayed away from the beginnings of problems and fought hard to avoid 'em all together. His example was men's groups - for instance, he's been meeting the same group of men, on Tuesday mornings, for years.

They all share their battles, frustrations, hopes, triumphs, etc. and keep each other honest, on the straight and narrow and...they force, yes, FORCE accountability.

So, when one strays, they are ALL on him; to get him "righted" (like a ship that's rolling and pitching in rough seas), and to show some tough love.

I told him I was and had been involved in mastermind groups that functioned in much the same way in business.

I can't think of a better use of one's time with others than in a mastermind format.

This week in Orlando, at the 3rd and Final Real Estate Investing Boot Camp for Busy Dentists, I'll be going into a lot of detail on several case studies of projects that are coming to fruition right now and some that are finished - including 318 18th Street, a 6-plex purchase with 3 of my LOS Program students, Dr. Tim Mahoney, Dr. David and Laura Anderson - we certainly used and are profiting from the Mastermind concept on this project, for sure! My Raw Land and Commercial Property Look-over-the-Shoulder (LOS) Program provides some of that, but on/in a much more (for better or for worse) relaxed setting.

I've got more lessons from Col. North I'll share on future posts. If you haven't checked out his books, pick up War Stories.

It was an honor to have spent time with him on the 232nd Birthday of the US Marines, too. BTW: to you Marines out there, Happy Belated Birthday! And, as we close out this most fortunate day here in the U.S., a HUGE heart-felt THANKS to all the former and current men and women who have and are serving in the US Military - and, to my dad, Dennis, of course :)

Now...Go make an offer!

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

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