Thursday, November 8, 2007

The "Funk" Is Hangin' Around

I just talked to my Dad, Dennis. He and my mom are in Florida - a little in advance of the event that starts next week (Still time to register you know?!).

As he's driving from Orlando to the Tampa area, he calls.

"Jerry, you wouldn't believe all the construction going on down here! It's a snowbird's dream! There are HOUSES for under $100,000!"

He goes on to tell me that what the media would have us believe seems to pervade and influence a lot of people - sadly, the vast majority - rather than say "SCREW IT!" and make decisions about the state of "things" on their own.

It's dangerous to rely on the news media for happiness. They sell GORE, bad news, and prey on stories that speak to gloom and doom.

I mean really, just how dang many reports do you see about HAPPY events? Positive breakthroughs in business and so on?

FEW if any. Comparatively, 90% of the news on TV and other media outlets is negative.

This comes back to one thing: You must CONTROL the mood. Not just yours, but your pts, your friends, family and others. You must be a POSITIVE influence on what's GOOD that is happening and focus on that.

No matter what we do, CRAP happens and will continue.

But, to survive, thrive and KICK BUTT in business and personally, you have to focus on the good, the positive, the excellence around you.

Go kick some butt. Make an offer. Buy some property. Sell some property. MAKE something happen; stimulate your local economy.

Adios, Jerry

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