Monday, January 21, 2008

Recession Concerns?

Concerns of a recession for us mere mortal entrepreneurs is just that and only that: a concern.

Don't waste your day or even much more than a few minutes worrying about it, fretting, or whatever.

Yes, the US may face some tough economic times ahead. Yes, business for SOME may drop.


Listen, and listen closely: The best thing you can do is IGNORE what the media is saying, IGNORE what the gloom and doomers are saying and just GET ON WITH IT.

Psychologically (and monetarily), who is going to come out better? The moron who concerns themselves with national economic policy that can't do squat about it or the hard-charging, balls-to-the-walls dentist that is going to step up advertising, step-up education for his team, STEP UP and kick some butt and GET pts in the door, get them to prioritize THEIR tx and be a bearer of good news?

That leads me to two things:

1) NOW is the time to get in the faces, regularly, of your existing pts...Each month you should be the bearer of good news and irresistible offers to get them into your office to improve their health and improve YOUR cash position. I suggest none other than EMC Dental to tackle this chore. They are the best at it (I know, I used to own the company) and they do it for nickels compared to what it would cost you and they're going to be 10x as effective. Call James at 800-311-1390 or visit and tell them you want to get started on the Full Service Newsletter program or, as I named it, the RARE System.

2) Pts are going to use the excuse of "Money's tight right now" MORE THAN EVER. So, how do you INCREASE production, decrease your overhead and get pts to YES with easy monthly payments? Call AFS, Bob, specically, or visit them online: Their phone number is there and tell them Jerry Jones sent you.

THESE TWO tactics alone will solidify and bullet proof your practice in the coming "economic crunch" that the media is going to have a hay day with. DO NOT react like an inexperienced school boy by cutting every expense you have. CONTROL your expenses, reign in the BS expenses but increase your marketing, NOW, and get in touch with the experts at AFS. They WILL increase your cash flow and allow you to accept payments from your pts and still deliver the tx they need and you need to deliver.

Go Get 'em and don't let the DOOM AND GLOOM scare you. Market cycles are inevitable. Roll with it, prepare for them and make them more profitable. Remember, there's no rule that says your business has to go down just because the stock market does.

Screw it!

Best, Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

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