Wednesday, January 30, 2008

James Randel...A KILLER Interview!

Today, my Platinum LOS Members were able to listen in LIVE as they got their questions answered from Mr. James Randel, expert real estate investor and author of, "Confessions of a Real Estate Entrepreneur."

I HIGHLY recommend you get his book.

He's straight-shooting, honest, REAL, exhibits and is comfortable with the mistakes he's made, as am I.

Listen, very soon, even if you're not a Platinum LOS Member at my SOREM site (see link below), you will be able to listen to the first 10 or 15 minutes of the call...I'd like you to "hear" what level of expertise LOS Members are exposed to...hence, the kind of access as a group, the SOREM site members GET!

I'll post a notice on this BLOG when the time comes and the link is up and ready.

In the meantime, hop on over to the SOREM site. For a limited time, you can get FREE, 30-day access to Silver or Gold Membership and over a THOUSAND dollars in bonuses, just for trying it out!

OK...more to come. PLUS, if time allows this week, I'll give you an idea of what Jim covered on the call...some of the PURE GENIUS GOLD he delivered!

My best to you...NOW, Go Make an OFFER(TM)!
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