Monday, January 28, 2008

Vegas & Real Estate

This past weekend I met with 16 of my Platinum LOS Members in sunny/smoky/rainy Las Vegas (aka Lost Wages) and it was an amazing weekend!

We had members from all corners of the U.S. attend; the weekend was productive, rewarding, profitable and I can't think of a better group to be around!

These meeting are the best for the group since the GROUP sets the agenda. From the first 5 minutes of intros to the last actionable item on the list, Tom, my partner in projects with me, and I covered a HUGE number of topics including (and we hit on even more - this is just a partial list):

How to get started with Commercial properties
Where to start with Education in real estate
What real estate systems are working for others
Hard money and Private money lending
Money and funding deals in commercial property
Quick deal analysis, raw land & multi-family
Exit strategies on raw land and multi-family properties
How to develop raw land/subdividing
Developing Entitlements
States that are favorable to work in or emerging markets
And even Deal Presentation!

This was a full weekend for sure and we even packed in some time to go and check out Donald Trump's newest Vegas Venture - The Trump International Tower and Hotel right off the strip - and the model rooms were pretty cool.

We met with Mike Eckel of Trump Sales and he gave us some pretty exciting "insider" info on the projects Trump is working on in Las Vegas....

All in all, one of the best weekends I have spent studying with and facilitating a first-rate group.

I recorded the whole weekend and ended up with like NINE CDs!

At some point, they may be available online at the new SOREM website @

Hope you are well, happy and 2008 is already profitable and treating you well.

My Best, Jerry

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