Thursday, February 7, 2008

Negotiations...Gotta know what you're doing

For almost 8 months now I have been working with a seller on his bare land.

We started with a simple approach I use often which is asking the seller to carry back a 2nd so we can get bank financing on the 1st.

Well, long story short, he fought me tooth and nail, got mad at me, increased the price, threatened to sell it to someone else, and so on...all over an 8 month period.

I kept my cool (which is hard sometimes), laughed it off when he'd do something odd, and just stuck to my guns on my offer, giving a little here and there but, also, taking (asking) for concessions when I could get them.

Today, finally, I rec'd via email, a confirmation from my broker and then a scanned document from the seller, and would you be surprised that the terms AND PRICE are almost IDENTICAL to what I originally started out at?

In conceding to his counter to close sooner (he's making interest strokes on the loan he hs on the property and is tired of the debt service), I asked for ALL of his due diligence to include surveys, appraisals, and so forth.

So, as of today, we have an agreement to purchase the land.

What we do with it is going to be quite amazing. Several exit strategies exist for us, and we'll take the one with the most profit and the least resistance.

I'm not going to TRUST that info, but it's a starting point for my team to begin at and then we're in the business of verifying his info and not have to start the whole due diligence process at square one, saving hugely valuable time.

Anyway, in this month's issue of the LOS newsletter for my Platinum LOS Members, I cover, in-depth, negotiation strategies from the Pros like Roger Dawson and Trump's George Ross and how they apply to deals I am working on now.

For more info, visit the SOREM site at

The issue will be hitting mailboxes early next week.

Now, Go Make an Offer!(TM)

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