Friday, February 22, 2008

Time Management for Real Estate Investors Part II

Friday's here. Yeah! Even as someone that has been self-employed (read: self-empowered) for almost twelve years, I STILL get excited when Fridays arrive. There's a sense of relief for Saturday and Sunday and not having to be outta bed at O'Dark-Thirty, getting the oldest daughter ready for school, etc.

Today's also a big day for the Jones household. It's Grandparent's Day but even more important than that: It's Lynia, my youngest daughter's birthday! She turns TWO!

We're having a big bash for her today at the house - cupcakes, ice cream, balloons, etc. It's going to be a wild party!

So, let me get you a couple brief, wise, powerful tips on managing your time as a real estate investor:

1) if you can't do all you want to do, PARTNER with someone that can help you. I brought on 2 people, Tom and Kevin, to help me with my residential home buying business. It's a lot of work for one person and gee, with all the other things to keep me busy, the last thing I need is another "task," so Kevin and Tom handle the heavy lifting for me and we split the profits equally. It's a great arrangement, but more importantly, it keeps me in the game and keeps me buying properties and keeps the cash flow up that otherwise might be erratic since my time commitment would be as well.

2) OUTSOURCE. These days, there's people that can do just about EVERYTHING but meet wit Sellers for your business. You can hire PATLIVE (click here: ) to take the calls and you can hire SalesTeam Live (click here: ) to handle the marketing. You are then relegated to reviewing/prescreening deals which takes seconds and meeting with sellers (you shouldn't ever have to meet with a buyer - if you are, you need help managing the Selling PROCESS and that's a subject too lengthy for his BLOG).

Just taking care of the inbound calls and marketing will free you up. I know Dentists that are working 30 to 40 hours a week, two, three and FIVE kids at home and they are still finding 10 hrs (which is enough) to devote to their real estate businesses and they are OUT-EARNING their dental practices or at least have a comparable income from their investing business.

Love to have your comments/thoughts...Post 'em and if you haven't yet, check out the 30-day, $9.95 trial at SOREM...the link is below.

Adios and have a great weekend. I'm going to grab some lunch with James (and do our first-ever "Marketing Beer Cast" - watch for more info on this - it'll be a HUGE hit!) and then head home to a fun birthday party! Later!

P.S. If you're a dentist reading this and you'd like to AUTOMATE NP referrals, visit this link - this is a timely link, so if you're reading it after Feb 27th, it likely won't apply!

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

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