Monday, March 3, 2008

State-wide Deal Search...VALUE or time waster?

This is no joke, but last night, I spent almost 90 minutes straight, uninterrupted searching through deals on Loopnet.

If you don't know about Loopnet, that's going to change here after my post.

Here's the thing:

Loopnet is HUGE. It encompasses millions dollars of properties for sale and lease, over 2.5 million members and there's a deal in every state of the nation and other COUNTRIES, too. So, it's truly a massive resource for you to check out commercial property deals in your area.

I think I pay about $134 a year or something like that for premium membership and it allows me to even post ads.

During my 90 min search, I came up with about 4, maybe 5 potential deals.

I email those to Melody in my office and she prints out the details on each one and I evaluate whether or not I want to pursue them.

Pursuit is as easy as calling one of my brokers and putting him on it. Or, I call the listing agent - depends on where and what it is.

The HUGE value is being able to cover an entire state of commercial property deals in 90 minutes!

I had a broker for one of the big national cos. tell me one time that only the "Crap" properties are on that site.

Depends on your definition of crap I suppose. If you want all "retail price" deals and you like paying full price (I hate that) then it's not a place you'll want to visit. Those full priced properties can be found anywhere, anytime.

For instance, I found a deal on Loopet recently that on the surface looked so good I had to email the broker to see if it was a misprint on price. It wasn't. I sent that deal off to a Platinum LOS Member in Texas for further eval. We'll see where it goes.

Anyway, since these last two posts were about Time Management,'s a great place to spend a few minutes every day or once a week. (I like daily since the deals are easier to recognize and that killer one may just still be there by the time I see it!)

Have a great week! Now, Go Make an Offer(TM)!


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