Friday, December 8, 2006

One last Member of the DD Team

Is of course, Kevin, my broker. Kevin will be getting information to me in the next few days on the number of lots available and lots coming on line in the next few years in the city. He'll then couple that with the number of lots that are swallowed up by builders each year and let me know if the market will be hot or cold, that is, depending on the absorption rates (this is how fast the available inventory on the market is bought on an annual basis).

Example: If there are an average of 200 lots that are used up annually and have been for the last few years with an average of 3 months on the market, and there are only 100 scheduled to come on line in the next year, this would be a prime opportunity for me.

However, if there are going to be 500 lots coming on line in the next year, I might want to re-think this project all together and get out. THAT is why you want to do this DD research!

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