Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Update: The Subdivision

Well, as it turns out, the owner of Lot 301, the lot that would save this project from the axe, has had a family emergency and had to leave town.
I have left the "deal" with the Broker, Kevin, to try and put something together with this guy on his own... Otherwise, this deal's dead.
It's OK, we already have another one waiting in the wings...More to follow after I sign off on the escrow documents cancelling this transaction and requesting my refund of earnest money.
One thing I should mention...Soon, I will be launching a "fund" that will invest in real estate for high rates of returns.
As that develops and comes to fruition, I will create a section on my main site: www.realestateforbusydentists.com where you can sign up and request free information.
I have papers in my in-box now from my attorney on the formation of this entity now, so it shouldn't be much longer! Have a Happy New Year!
Stay tuned! ~Jerry
Salem, Oregon
P: 503-218-0557
F: 503-218-0557

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