Thursday, December 14, 2006

Subdivision Update: December 13, 2006

Visited today via phone with the land-use planner Kevin, the broker, had set up.
The conversation was fairly short.
He outlined 2 very critical issues that, without acquisition of an adjoing lot (301 I believe), would keep this from being a conforming subdivision, requiring exceptions from the City of Medford.
His experience was pretty much that they do not budge on the two type of exceptions I would need - One was asking for use of a 35' right-of-way, when the requirements are 45'. The other exception was the cul de sac. The city is not interested (nor are really any municipalities) in having those - they prefer a 90 degreen leg of some sort, instead. This along would/could cut into the number of lots, rendering this a worthless project - one that would require a developer to PAY to finish the project, vs. GETTING PAID.
Based on these, Kevin is going to approach the owner of the bare lot, #301, to see if he is interested in selling now or in the future. This would make it a very clean, much easier to get past the planning commission.
More to follow!
Salem, Oregon
P: 503-218-0557
F: 503-218-0557

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