Friday, December 7, 2007

Burning Question, Project 'X'

It hasn't taken much prompting; I've been inundated with great questions from BLOG readers...THANK YOU!

Here's one from N. Montgomery:

"How can I invest when I don't even have the time to XXXXXX?"

Great question.

At the last-ever event in Orlando in November, I covered this in great depth.

Here's the short answer:

If you don't have the time available to invest, you REALLY need to invest in real estate and carve out the time, no matter where it's at, and do it now.

If you claim you don't have enough time, therefore you don't have enough money or knowledge to control your time to carve out the time to GET the education to GET it (whatever IT is) done.

Let me exhibit my point with a story:

Last night I was leaving my local Karate class (my daughter Mady is one belt from Black and I am 2 - it's a great sport for parents and kids to work together in!) and I happened to see my eye doctor there, picking up his kids. I said, "Why don't we get you out here...I mean, if I CAN do it, you can!"

His reply, "I need 5 more hours in a day! I just don't have the time."

I am not saying THIS is his case, but...for most folks, if they had all the money they needed, TIME is not the issue - TIME really the issue or an excuse?

If this is you, and TIME really IS the reason, you're in the spot you're in not "having enough time to invest" because you're working too hard swapping hours for dollars and you have to switch around two things: 1) your thinking; 2) your time management skills.

For instance, it's 9:46 PM on a Friday. My kids are in bed and my wife and I have a "date" at 10PM to catch one of our favorite Friday night shows so I have another 14 minutes to finish this, and it WILL get done.

I have my weekend's and many weekdays for leisure; but when I am working, time is scheduled tight, to the minute and NO ONE interupts my schedule unless they are bleeding or dying.

If you need time mgmt skills or want to get more out of every hour, get Dan Kennedy's book, NO B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs. Get it at

I would hazard a guess that most folks that say they don't have enough time use that as a crutch to keep from having to take action.

I'm not bragging at all but just to give you an idea of what my life is like:

-I sit on the boards of 2 companies.
-I own 6 major businesses and oversee their operations most days of the week when I am working (I have professionals doing the bulk of the work, including my dental assisting school! I spend no more than 1 to max, 2 hours per week working ON that business - so therefore I DELEGATE AND AM NOT AFRAID OF DOING IT...Ron LeGrand(r) says, "The Less I Do The More I Make(TM).") And this IS completely true.
-I have 2 kids - one in 3rd grade and one in diapers still.
-I vacation 4 to 5 weekdays per month (It gets boring and I'm not wired to take vacations. And, I don't like golf.)
-I write 3 to 4 newsletters each month for different personal businesses.
-I do the marketing for 4 to 6 businesses each month, depending on the month.
-I can go on and on.

I AM busy, by choice. AND, I MAKE TIME to do my real estate investing.

It's impt. In fact, no business I run TODAY will have the impact my real estate investing will have on my future. I am building a multi, multi-millionaire nest egg that can't be built in any other business, PERIOD.

Bottom line: it's all about managing time and your life.

I've never found a successful person who used lack of time as an excuse for getting to the next matter how high that next one might be.

Anyway...Keep the questions coming and thanks for asking Dr. Montgomery!

Go to:

Best, Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

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