Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Project 'X' - Burning Question: Where do I start, Dude?

OK, so I continue to get questions from the website.

Today's ?:

"Dude, where heck do I start? I've got a ton of great information, but like you said at your event...Education without implementation is just entertainment...Screw the entertainment, I want some dough!"

Good. First, you have the right attitude. That's impt point numero uno.

So, for this guy, that asked a slight variation of this question, Willie is his name, he's been to Ron LeGrand's(R) Quick-Turn 5-day event. He's got a good BASE.

So, what next?

Easy...Get potential sellers calling you.

Marketing is what this boils down to.

I mean, you know how to make an offer (you write down what you want and put it into a Purchase and Sales agreement, right? do this AFTER having a conversation with your seller), you know who to call when you have an offer accepted. You know you need to SELL soon after you buy since at this point, it's all about quick-turning the properties and getting cash in the bank.

So...the missing link, SELLERS that are ready, willing and able to sell.

Willie, one of the members and BLOG readers that asked this question, KNOWS what to do for marketing...there are choices:

1) run an ad in the daily newspaper - I like Richard Roop's ad. It starts out, "Sell Your House As-Is..." That's the headline. Best one I've ever read. It beats the hell out of, "We Buy Houses." So. What's in it for me (if I am the seller)? You HAVE to answer that question if you want someone to respond to your ad, right?

2) send out letters, saying you can HELP them out of their problem by BUYING their house as-is, on the date of their choice. You can mail to out of town owners (see your county tax assessor's office for the list), pre NODs (notice of defaults), to people that own their homes free and clear, etc.

3) go to a local REIA meeting and talk to other investors that may have a house they can't close on (no money or they are doing it wrong), or need/want to sell. You'll be amazed what you find at these meetings.

The bottom line is this: GET Started. GET sellers calling you (your PATLive line - more info available at http://www.patlive.comm/signup/jjd ) and start sifting and sorting based on how good the deals look and how motivated the sellers are.

DO NOT deal with unmotivated sellers. Period. DO NOT.

Anyway...enough for one evening...More to follow!

If you have not submitted your question for me, go to:

Best, Jerry

P.S. Project 'X' is moving along...Let me tell you, I just added an entirely new killer segment to it today that will BLOW your socks off and reveal a strategy that would make your spouse very happy when it comes to building your Nest Egg...More to come. I can't wait - My partner on this was up until 2:00AM last night working to meet the deadline I have given him...

P.S. #2 Some of you checked out the Dan Doran/Richard Roop $37 offer. If you didn't jump on this, you're either insane, on vacation or well, insane. Check it out!

Here's the link:


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