Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Project X - Burning Question....

Hopefully you are all getting geared up for next week. Me? Well, I'm in Sunriver right now with the wife and kids and since it's nap time for the youngster, I can get some work done...

So...let me answer another BURNING QUESTION ...

"Jerry, How do I find and ID raw land deals?"

OK, this is a great question and one from LOS Member Dr. Lewis Richardson in Salinas...

Actually, it's 2 questions, so I'll do my best to hit both.

1) FINDING RAW LAND DEALS: Try and search for "raw land" in your state. Another place? Brokers. Tell them to send you a list of raw land that is for sale. Another? Send a letter to owners of raw land where you want to buy telling them you are interested in buying.

2) How do you ID them? This won't be complete answer, like #1 above, but, give enough to get you moving in the right direction. I look for properties in the path of progress, neglected properties (overgrown, junk, etc.), properties with past due property taxes (the country generally can give you info), and I ID them by taking the above in consideration and if they are listed or I know what they theoretically might be worth, I can get a quick idea if they are potential DEALS or not.

OK...until next time, and, have a VERY happy holiday season.

Best, Jerry

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