Friday, December 7, 2007

A Quick Thanks!

Many of you have already submitted questions for me at and I appreciate it!

One question was "Jerry, where do you find your deals?"

I'll give you an excellent source to sift and sort deals - and when you think you've found one, get a member of your dream team - namely a commercial broker with KNOWLEDGE of the area (property knowledge is even better) and have them help you analyze it to see if it has the makings of a deal.

Here are a couple indicators I use to initially screen a property:

1) cost per sq foot (if raw land) compared to like properties (COMPS are SOLD properties, not listed - listed means squat to me. DEALS DONE are the true measure)

2) cost per "door" or "unit" on apartment rentals/multi-family properties compared to COMPS (ask your dream team member for a CMA - a comparative market analysis - or, just have them give you a ballpark number for what a "door" in like condition usually goes for on the market...It could be $30,000 per door or less in Iowa and here in Oregon, $60,000! have to *know* your market which means asking questions and learning it!

Enough for now...Gotta run. The rain just keeps falling here in the Northwest. My hometown of Centralia, WA has been on national news from the flooding since a dike broke and flooded half the town and put an Applebees and Wal-Marche under water! That's just one of many reasons I left that place!

My best to you and talk to you next week...~Jerry

PS One last thing: We keep getting closer to getting Project "X" done. It's a HUGE amount of work and we have a literal team working on it. I can't wait and YOU are going to LOVE IT!

PS Tell me your burning question about Real Estate Investing... Go to:

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