Monday, April 28, 2008

Some Jerk...Here's Proof Pal.

Yeah, I can get a little hot under the collar sometimes.

Anyone who knows me, knows I can be pushed only so far,
then the wheels come off and I get ugly.

Some *FORMER* blog reader of mine sent this email to me:

I think you're a scammer and I think your real estate investing
information is a joke. Why don't you go back to drilling teeth.
-John Escobar, DDS"

Well JOHN ESCOBAR, DDS, first off, I'm not a dentist. Duh.

That was my first hint the guy had his head up his...well, you know.

Second, I provide ALL SORTS of PROOF all the time about
how others are doing, myself included.

In FACT DR. ESCOBAR, here's a check my two partners and I
recently cashed on one of our deals USING THE EXACT
same tools and techniques I teach at the SOREM website

Now, I can't promise some dundle-fritz with his brain CLEARLY
not working can make money at ANYTHING, let alone real
estate investing.

But I do know this: If Dr. ESCOBAR made it through dental
school, he SURELY could be a successful real estate investor
if he so choose. RIGHT, Doc?

Dr. Escobar, I think YOU are a woosie and I'm glad you're
not MY dentist. AND, I also have to say I can't imagine if you
give up so easily on real estate investing how you ever got
that first crown cut...Must've been a real nail biter, eh?

There. Now I feel better.


P.S. The moral of this BLOG Post? Don't let some Dumb, No-Experience
Doofus tell YOU what you should be doing in life. Don't let them, as Ron
LeGrand(r) says, "Steal Your Dreams." Now, Go Make An Offer!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Vacations: The Ultimate Productivity Strategy

Over the last couple of years, I've traveled a lot. Mostly for
educational seminars - to both attend and put on my own events.

Using my friendly American Express(R) card and mileage from Alaska
Airlines, my wife Tracy and I just returned from a free trip to
Mexico, one of my favorite places, Cabo. We stayed at the RIU Palace
(it was OK, but I won't stay there again, nothing too magical).
Here's a shot of me at the bar with El Arco in the background.
Amazing place.

Next trip: La Paz.

Every time I get back from a trip like this, even short ones of 3 or
4 days, I notice massive jumps in productivity and efficiency.

Feeling overwhelmed or stressed out? Take a vacation where you have
no computer and no cell phone. It does wonders for you. And, since
it's counter-intuitive, you can darn well bet it'll work!

Adios Amigos.
Best, Jerry

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Raw Land: Where to Start Checklist

I'm often asked by Members of the SOREM community (, "What's the initial info I need to consider in my Raw Land due diligence?"

Although there are over a hundred questions you might end up asking of the property, here are the 11 to start with that I'd recommend you never CLOSE on the purchase of a piece of raw land without:

title policy with copies of all exceptions; 
topography map; 
geotechnical and soils report; 
phase 1 environmental report; 
zoning verification; 
utility verification and fee schedules; 
impact fees; 
compliance with local codes; 
cultural resources/historical survey; 
endangered species study; and 
wetland delineation.

Adios. Now, Go Make an Offer!

P.S. Every one of these pieces can be covered, and many all at one time, by just a handful of professionals you can hire. DO NOT attempt this on your own. Get your Dream Team involved!

Monday, April 14, 2008

A 'Closing' & a Learning Experience

My 2 partners and I are about to close on the sale of 3-BR 2-BA house.

We picked it up by buying the 2nd mortgage.

We had our Buyer in place in a matter of minutes after we purchased it (shows value of having buyers ready to go for sure!) and we should have a decent profit roll in from our efforts.

We've done quite a few of these and you know, we learn something more on each and every one. Each time we buy or sell, we make a few mistakes, correct them and get the deal done.

Every closing you do should yield some learning experiences for you. Write 'em down.

Forward them to me. I'd like to compile the one and ONLY,


When I get the 100 from readers, I'll compile, publish and for each person that gives me one, they get the other 99 just for contributing. Want your own copy?

Just send me YOUR top REAL Estate Deal KILLER and I'll make sure you get one!

Adios and good luck. Now, Go Make An Offer!

Best, Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Real Estate Loans from Virgin Money

Real Estate Loans from Virgin Money

I am always looking at interesting ways to finance different ventures.

This is a cool Sir Richard Branson co. I just came across preparing for my Where to Get the Money To Finance Your Deals teleclass tomorrow.

Thought you might like to check it out.

Best, Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Financing - Where to get the CA$H!

I get this question a lot from clients and members of the SOREM ( community.

I decided a while back to hold a teleclass for the SOREM members on this particular subject.

Because you may or soon may be a member of SOREM, I'd like to invite your QUESTIONS on this particular subject.

For example, one question might be, "What's in it for an owner to WANT to carry back a note on property they're selling?"

Another might be, "Can you really buy a million dollar (or other sized) property with NO MONEY DOWN or none out of pocket?"

Still another: "I want to sell my properties before I even buy them. Do you have any ideas?"

You get the drift. Post your questions and I'll work them into the Teleclass!

Now, Go Make an OFFER(TM)!

Best, Jerry
Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit