Thursday, April 17, 2008

Raw Land: Where to Start Checklist

I'm often asked by Members of the SOREM community (, "What's the initial info I need to consider in my Raw Land due diligence?"

Although there are over a hundred questions you might end up asking of the property, here are the 11 to start with that I'd recommend you never CLOSE on the purchase of a piece of raw land without:

title policy with copies of all exceptions; 
topography map; 
geotechnical and soils report; 
phase 1 environmental report; 
zoning verification; 
utility verification and fee schedules; 
impact fees; 
compliance with local codes; 
cultural resources/historical survey; 
endangered species study; and 
wetland delineation.

Adios. Now, Go Make an Offer!

P.S. Every one of these pieces can be covered, and many all at one time, by just a handful of professionals you can hire. DO NOT attempt this on your own. Get your Dream Team involved!

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