Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Financing - Where to get the CA$H!

I get this question a lot from clients and members of the SOREM (SecretsofRealEstateMillions.com) community.

I decided a while back to hold a teleclass for the SOREM members on this particular subject.

Because you may or soon may be a member of SOREM, I'd like to invite your QUESTIONS on this particular subject.

For example, one question might be, "What's in it for an owner to WANT to carry back a note on property they're selling?"

Another might be, "Can you really buy a million dollar (or other sized) property with NO MONEY DOWN or none out of pocket?"

Still another: "I want to sell my properties before I even buy them. Do you have any ideas?"

You get the drift. Post your questions and I'll work them into the Teleclass!

Now, Go Make an OFFER(TM)!

Best, Jerry
Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit http://www.SecretsofRealEstateMillions.com

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