Monday, June 23, 2008

How to Get Apartment Owners Calling You!

If you have apartment owners or other land owners calling you and asking you to buy vs. you calling them and asking to buy, who's in the better position?

Who's seeking who? Is it better to be sought after then seek? In this case, yes.

I've been a student of direct mail advertising for over a decade. I've generated millions of dollars of sales...through the mail.

There are tricks to the trade, formulas and writing styles all to be considered yet, none of that matters if you don't have a list of people you can help.

I've developed a system that is still in the beta test stages that I am using now to get local and out-of-state apartment owners calling ME so I can take their problems off their hands.

It's NOT just a series of letters and postcards designed to get motivated sellers to call; it's also educating and positioning and more!

Anyway, I'll be talking more about this amazing tool and how it's working for us in the coming months.


Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

You want to Wholesale? Part II

Ah...So today is strategy #2, and it's a more advanced strategy than driving areas you want to find deals in.

SO here we go:

#2 Mail postcards (see for the best source) to areas you are currently driving. If owners are not at the address, the mail can be fwded to them. The best place to get this list is either via, or, do what I did and contact our local county assessor's office and ask what types of variables you can request mailing lists under. I like SFR (single family residential), non-owner occupied, delinquent on taxes and if possible, code violators. These are all signs of potentially motivated folks.

And, most importantly, do NOT mail these folks one time. I've bought many houses after mailing to someone 2, 3 and even 4 times before they called me. Since their situation changes, you have to be in front of them when it does, offering to take a headache off their hands.

In a future post, I'll cover How to Snag All the Wholesale Buyers you'll ever need!

Now, Go Make an Offer!(TM)

~ADIOS, Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

So you want to find WHOLESALE deals, eh?

One of the fastest (However, most saturated) places to make money fast in real estate quick-turn investing ala Ron LeGrand(R) is the ability to wholesale property.

Wholesaling is when you find and sell quickly, a house that needs repairs, that is under market, and generally at the local area's median price or below. The Buyer is generally a landlord-type, or a rehabber-type.

Sometimes, depending on your area, you can find REOs (real estate owned or Bank Owned) properties that fit this bill. You simply buy direct from the Bank via their agent/broker and make offers on as many houses as you can using, as a purchase price minimum guide, Ron's time-tested formula of MAO=70% of the ARV minus repairs. Or, if you want to get modify that to MAO=ARV-Repairs times 70%. You'll get two different numbers. The second scenario gives you a $9,000 difference.

There are two possible strategies.

#1 Drive areas where you want to buy and look for vacant and/or neglected houses. No garbage cans in my area is a good sign. High grass, roofs in poor condition, etc., are all tell-tale signs. Then, you get in contact with the owner. Via letter or phone call.

#2 - I'll save this for the next post.

Until then...Go Make an Offer!
~Adios, Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

has the media won?

dang, i get pissed when i look around and see all the negativity.

oil is high.

groceries are high.

homebuilders are going out of business.

people are losing their homes.

folks, this CRAP goes on in "good" and "bad" times.

how YOU react to it, filter it, pay attention to it, determines how
well you'll do.


i got an email today from a sorem member and frankly, i'm not going
to respond.

i could tell it was a "woe is me" email after the first sentence,
where he was looking for comisseration.

(sorry about the spelling)

the last place you or i need to be is down in the dumps good times or

every time you feel/see/sense negativity, shake the urge to even
consider it.

focus on the GOOD. the 5% or less bad around us isn't worthy of even
entering our minds.

if your plans aren't going how you want 'em, SHIFT. move. take a
different approach.

the media LOVE selling bad news. it makes for a great story. it's
hard to sell success. people settle easily.

don't let the popular press beat you into submission. fight the urge.

don't wine. don't pee and moan.

no one likes a whiner.

i hate quitters.

ok...let's get on it. go search and MAKE something

find a good deal, tie it up, put together your exit strategies, get a
team put together and do it!

now, go make an offer!

adios, jerry

Monday, June 9, 2008

Ah...a better recording.

What's Jerry Reading? - search Rob Minton, Income for Life is the books....

Friday, June 6, 2008

Here is a link to one of the ZILLOW ads

I'm sorry if you didn't click on this blog post earlier. I had to take the ZILLOW ad example down.

If you want to see a PDF copy of it, email me at and I will send it to you.

In fact, we have 2 zillow ads running and I may add another.



A quick update on ZILLOW EZ Ads:

Earlier this week I mentioned the ads...TODAY, we picked up our first lead from the ad.

I'll keep you updated. Again, it was nothing fancy, the usual stuff - Sell Your House As-Is (ala Richard Roop) and another, "We Buy Houses" type ad.

Check 'em out on

Have a great weekend, Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Hard to Believe....

When I first got started in real estate investing in single family
homes, I had a mentor tell me one time that people would literally
call me from my ads and B*E*G me to take their house.

I found that next to impossible to believe.

Until people called me and spoke of being in such dire straits, it
became clear that to many, having a home is a HUGE burden and a real
giant 800# gorilla.

You see, when you can't afford to pay the taxes, the insurance, the
garbage bill, and not to mention the adjustable rate mortgage, all
while feeding your family and keeping clothes on them...well, it's no
wonder apartment or rental house living is desirable and even a WANT
for some.

Maybe there's been a time in your life when the stress level was just
enormous, the bills piled up, the economy was tanking...and to make
matters worse, your job future was questionable.

See, it's easy to get overwhelmed.

Getting out from under a huge house payment and the ongoing upkeep is
a real and substantial relief for people in distress.

I can think of two very recent cases where a Seller has called off of
our marketing (letters, postcards, ads in newspapers, etc.) efforts
where the guy and gal were just beside themselves wanting to get the
albatross off their backs. Knowing someone would come in and help
them get rid of it and even help them find a new place and help them
move, well, that was a real relief to them.

If I'm not there to help them, what happens? Who would or could help

The Sheriff isn't going to care once he locks them out.

The bank isn't going to care when the take the house back.

Her employer likely isn't going to care when she can't make it to
work any longer.

So, it's up to folks like us. And, we get paid well in the process.

These deals are not only satisfying when you're able to help someone
get to a better state in their life, but they are lucrative.

Over the last several deals, we've even seen our average per house
profit increase to close to $23,000

Granted, we're investing money each month on marketing, but our ROI
is tremendous (which is the only measure I'm interested in!)

If you're wondering, in the back of your mind, why you should be
doing this business, the money is one reason. Helping others out of
their situations is a HUGE one. In fact, helping others is one of the
chief reasons I got BACK into the residential side of the business.

Adios, Jerry

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

An Unusual Place to Get Leads?

Check out for a place to put an ad to BUY houses.

And, if you have an inventory of homes you're offering financing on, seems like a good place to advertise to attract tenant/buyers, too.

We run 20,000 impressions a month for $200.00

One of my clients reports averaging 2 leads a month for buying houses @ a cost of about $100 a lead!

They are called EZ Ads. You'll need to start an account on ZILLOW, but the cost is zip.

Adios, Jerry