Wednesday, June 11, 2008

has the media won?

dang, i get pissed when i look around and see all the negativity.

oil is high.

groceries are high.

homebuilders are going out of business.

people are losing their homes.

folks, this CRAP goes on in "good" and "bad" times.

how YOU react to it, filter it, pay attention to it, determines how
well you'll do.


i got an email today from a sorem member and frankly, i'm not going
to respond.

i could tell it was a "woe is me" email after the first sentence,
where he was looking for comisseration.

(sorry about the spelling)

the last place you or i need to be is down in the dumps good times or

every time you feel/see/sense negativity, shake the urge to even
consider it.

focus on the GOOD. the 5% or less bad around us isn't worthy of even
entering our minds.

if your plans aren't going how you want 'em, SHIFT. move. take a
different approach.

the media LOVE selling bad news. it makes for a great story. it's
hard to sell success. people settle easily.

don't let the popular press beat you into submission. fight the urge.

don't wine. don't pee and moan.

no one likes a whiner.

i hate quitters.

ok...let's get on it. go search and MAKE something

find a good deal, tie it up, put together your exit strategies, get a
team put together and do it!

now, go make an offer!

adios, jerry

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