Friday, June 6, 2008

Hard to Believe....

When I first got started in real estate investing in single family
homes, I had a mentor tell me one time that people would literally
call me from my ads and B*E*G me to take their house.

I found that next to impossible to believe.

Until people called me and spoke of being in such dire straits, it
became clear that to many, having a home is a HUGE burden and a real
giant 800# gorilla.

You see, when you can't afford to pay the taxes, the insurance, the
garbage bill, and not to mention the adjustable rate mortgage, all
while feeding your family and keeping clothes on them...well, it's no
wonder apartment or rental house living is desirable and even a WANT
for some.

Maybe there's been a time in your life when the stress level was just
enormous, the bills piled up, the economy was tanking...and to make
matters worse, your job future was questionable.

See, it's easy to get overwhelmed.

Getting out from under a huge house payment and the ongoing upkeep is
a real and substantial relief for people in distress.

I can think of two very recent cases where a Seller has called off of
our marketing (letters, postcards, ads in newspapers, etc.) efforts
where the guy and gal were just beside themselves wanting to get the
albatross off their backs. Knowing someone would come in and help
them get rid of it and even help them find a new place and help them
move, well, that was a real relief to them.

If I'm not there to help them, what happens? Who would or could help

The Sheriff isn't going to care once he locks them out.

The bank isn't going to care when the take the house back.

Her employer likely isn't going to care when she can't make it to
work any longer.

So, it's up to folks like us. And, we get paid well in the process.

These deals are not only satisfying when you're able to help someone
get to a better state in their life, but they are lucrative.

Over the last several deals, we've even seen our average per house
profit increase to close to $23,000

Granted, we're investing money each month on marketing, but our ROI
is tremendous (which is the only measure I'm interested in!)

If you're wondering, in the back of your mind, why you should be
doing this business, the money is one reason. Helping others out of
their situations is a HUGE one. In fact, helping others is one of the
chief reasons I got BACK into the residential side of the business.

Adios, Jerry

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