Wednesday, June 18, 2008

You want to Wholesale? Part II

Ah...So today is strategy #2, and it's a more advanced strategy than driving areas you want to find deals in.

SO here we go:

#2 Mail postcards (see for the best source) to areas you are currently driving. If owners are not at the address, the mail can be fwded to them. The best place to get this list is either via, or, do what I did and contact our local county assessor's office and ask what types of variables you can request mailing lists under. I like SFR (single family residential), non-owner occupied, delinquent on taxes and if possible, code violators. These are all signs of potentially motivated folks.

And, most importantly, do NOT mail these folks one time. I've bought many houses after mailing to someone 2, 3 and even 4 times before they called me. Since their situation changes, you have to be in front of them when it does, offering to take a headache off their hands.

In a future post, I'll cover How to Snag All the Wholesale Buyers you'll ever need!

Now, Go Make an Offer!(TM)

~ADIOS, Jerry

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