Monday, June 23, 2008

How to Get Apartment Owners Calling You!

If you have apartment owners or other land owners calling you and asking you to buy vs. you calling them and asking to buy, who's in the better position?

Who's seeking who? Is it better to be sought after then seek? In this case, yes.

I've been a student of direct mail advertising for over a decade. I've generated millions of dollars of sales...through the mail.

There are tricks to the trade, formulas and writing styles all to be considered yet, none of that matters if you don't have a list of people you can help.

I've developed a system that is still in the beta test stages that I am using now to get local and out-of-state apartment owners calling ME so I can take their problems off their hands.

It's NOT just a series of letters and postcards designed to get motivated sellers to call; it's also educating and positioning and more!

Anyway, I'll be talking more about this amazing tool and how it's working for us in the coming months.


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