Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Best Adivce Yet?

Free advice is often worth what you pay: zip.

However, sometimes, in seeking out more experienced folks, I get a real education for pennies.

Today I am going to visit my friend Dave. He's been a local Salem resident and real estate broker here (Commercial only) for years and knows about everyone in town and has been inside or knows the owners of just about every commercial property in Salem.

I'll spend an hour with him and we'll evaluate 4 properties today.

How much will I spend with Dave?


Now, I might take him out on one of my fishing boats in Juneau (check 'em out at some time or pay for him to catch some fish with me in Cabo, but it's all worth it.

Dave will give me honest answers and keep me outta trouble. He's long-term relationship guy and old school. And you know, there's just not enough of that left around anymore is there?

Hook up with an Old School Guy/Gal and add them to your dream team. The dividends are amazing.

Now, Go Make an Offer(TM)!


Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

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