Friday, May 23, 2008

a great place to get STATS on your market


What a week. So many very excellent things happening, it's hard to
track it all.

Statistics on what a market is doing is critical; you must know this
BEFORE buying property, and it's best to get it first-hand from
reliable sources and NOT from a broker that is trying to sell you a
property. If you do get info from a broker/agent, just remember,
"Trust, But Verify."

Check out your area's MLS (multiple listing service) for stats on
both residential and some multi-family properties.

For instance, I can track what's happening in the Willamette Valley
by visiting our regions MLS site:

I can run FREE reports that show recent stats on residential and what
the market is doing (hot, post-hot, cold, warm, recovering, etc.) -
trends based on home sales within recent months.

If you decide to invest in other areas, like I do a lot of (for
instance, San Angelo, Texas and all over Iowa) you can get a TON of
info from a simple resource like this on virtually any area's MLS site.

Check it out BEFORE YOU BUY. Another great resource, especially if
you are going multi-family:

Go Make an Offer!

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