Thursday, May 22, 2008

who's doing deals?

A lot of whining continues from un-savvy (which translates to un-
trained) real estate investors.

Meanwhile, all OVER the U.S. other investors are just killing it.

I'm at an event right now in Long Beach that is a haven for finding
folks, regular guys and gals, doing some amazing and hugely
profitable deals.

What separates the wheat from the chaff are two things:

1) training
2) DO-ING something

That's it. There are other keys, but these are the biggies.

I'll post another entry here in the next day or two of THREE DENTISTS
that are just doing some amazing things.

One in Dallas. One in Kansas and another in Florida.

There's never been a better time to get started. Especially with all
the advancements in what can be done for you without your involvement!

Heck, last night, I learned how to wholesale properties in any state
right from my cell phone and computer!


Anyway, I'll be in touch...Adios, Jerry

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