Sunday, May 11, 2008

Time Management: You're Using The Wrong Computer.

Some time back I posted an article on Time Management.

I've got another area I've cracked, that allows a literal DAILY EXPLOSION
of time re-captured, once lost.

It's not a miracle website.

It's not a "process" to make appts.

It's not a "new" and unusual gadget.

It's not a new employee (although, a blessing and a curse aren't they?!)

It's not more cash, although, more cash does create more time, right?

Here IT is:

A computer.

Most likely, for 90% of you, you're literally using the WRONG computer.

I don't mean Windows XP vs. Vista. (oooh, my computer almost shorted just now.)

I don't mean laptop vs. desktop.

It's the BRAND and operating system that can suck up more time in a day than
inconsiderate "friends" that "just thought" they'd "stop by."

Last June, in 2007, I switched to a MacBook Pro.

For obvious reasons, that unless you own a Mac, you may find hard to believe.

Here's a short list of benefits:

* They start up quickly.
* They crash rarely and usually only when running Windows software like Word or Excel
* Their MAIL program is considerably superior.
* They are much, much, much more simple to operate and connect to things. ANYTHING.
* They are not always downloading laboriously long updates.
* They are not susceptible to viruses, so I don't have any annoying virus programs running in the "background." 

And I could go on and on.

I only recently thought how much time I re-captured every day of the week when I went from a Dell PC laptop to a Mac, when I was 
visiting a friend of mine in HIS office, wasting HIS time, and he was about ready to toss his newer Dell into the trash can. Vista
kept running updates and did so about daily.

He couldn't get work done. I encouraged him to re-claim his life and time and DO sell it on eBay and buy a Mac!

I encourage you to do the same. I've never been THIS excited about ANY computer.

Check 'em out at

You'll never regret it.

And, besides, why should Bill Gates stop in your office everyday and ROB YOU BLIND of YOUR time?

Adios, Jerry

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