Monday, May 5, 2008

Former BLOG Reader Decides to Respond

You guys are going to love this. Remember Dr. Escobar? Well, he's
back and decided to respond to my BLOG post, so he's no longer a
*former* reader.

Here's what he said:

"Jerry: You've held yourself out as a dentist in the past. That check
you posted is probably not even yours. Anyone cold have created that.
I get so tired of your kind of people praying on the backs of hard-
working dentists and other people out there. I would never sign up
for any course you offer. I am sure it'd be lost money. I can't see
how you can sleep at night charging someone 449 a month for your LOS
membership. What a joke. Dr. Escobar"

And of course, my reply:

Dear Dr. Escobar:
First things first. If you are going to email me more insults, kindly
refer to me as Mr. Jones, not Jerry. Secondly, I have never, ever in
my entire career held myself out as a dentist. You're just flat-out
wrong. You PROVE IT. And I won't accept your misreading something,
either. That'd be your fault, not mine. Geez. Do you want to see a
bank statement, too? Would that make you feel better? Is it just
because that's more than you earned in, oh, say, 4 or 5 months
breaking your back bent over a patient? You know Doc, there IS
another way and that is why the SOREM site exists
[]. At this point, if I knew you
wanted to sign up for a course with me, I'd not even let you in.
You'd poison the well and take real opportunity and value away from
others deserving of it. Why should I let your negative thoughts and
verbiage affect them? My mission is to expose losers like you for
what they really are. Oh, this is a good one: Preying on the hard
work of others. First off, spell it right. Secondly, no way Jose.
I've never held a gun to anyone's head demanding they participate in
ANYTHING with me. People I work with do so on their own free will and
are happy to have someone like me that will spend the time with them
to get an educational base hammered out, provide high-quality
educational materials and mastermind discussions where they can grown
and learn at an exponential rate. Frankly, spending $449 a month is a
BARGAIN compared to what I deliver. My land use and attorney's fees
often times exceed what most dental practices profit in one month -
$5k to $10k is an easy month in fact. What I PAY them to learn and do
for me I pass along and happily so, to members. Where else can you
learn what I teach? Who ELSE is going to take you by the hand and
guide you through the process of buying your first hunk of raw land
or apartment building? Who ELSE would consider partnering with you on
a project? Duh. And, I won't even touch on the other 20 or 30 Members-
only benefits. You've got to understand the insight and value
delivered is useful to those seeking it. Right? It'd be like teaching
a chiropractor to pull a tooth. WHY? It would be painful for the
patient and the chiropractor would have no practical use for the
skill, right? I think you need to re-evaluate where you are at in
life and how you are going to reach your financial goals. Perhaps an
MLM would be a good route to take. Low risk, a sure-fire way to chase
away your friends and relatives, and, I am sure great products,
right? Again, good luck to you and please, don't waste any more of
your time writing to me to try and piss me off. Ain't workin' and
I'll debate you right into the ground. Good Luck. ~Mr. Jones.

Ah, that felt so good to write that. You know, with any luck, he'll
GET it and make some positive changes in his life. Good luck to YOU!
Now, go make an offer!!

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