Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Jury's In...Looks like a Deal worth Pursuing

Last night I posted a note about a 27 acre parcel. I drove the 4 hour round trip today and all I can tell you is it was worth it.

We'll be making an offer on this property likely, tomorrow.

Some cool things I learned or re-learned in some cases, today:

1) If a broker likes you, he's going to work hard to get an offer presented to the seller, (Some states, this can be their client and you, too, the buyer, can also be their client - some states this doesn't work and it takes a special indiv to handle dual roles - buyer's and seller's agent and some investors will never get into that situation where that's the case - I have had it go bad, too, but, I've also had it work well - it's all about who you're dealing with, as usual.) and make sure your offer gets the explanation and consideration it should. Under law, a broker has to present every offer to their client. However, we both know that if a broker doesn't like you, that's strike 1. It goes both ways: If you don't like them and don't think they job can get done, WHACK 'em.

2) No matter what, walking the land is important. It gives you a perspective you simply cannot get any other way. Hence, my demanding of myself that I travel SOMETIME to the mid-west this summer and visit some of our multi-family units. It's a unique situation so I have not as of yet, but soon will.

3) Every state has its own micro-economies. What's happening in Salem isn't likely happening in Florence, 2-hours away. GET THE FACTS and talk to people that are in the know and that have the data to back up yours and their assumptions.

OK, enough for tonight - I gotta get some more work done.

Now, Go Make an Offer(TM)!


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