Friday, March 28, 2008

Managing Management

Last week when my wife and I arrived at our vacation home, we quickly realized it was time for a visual meeting of the minds with the property mgmt company.

It wasn't long after that and we finished up a 30-minute or so intense meeting with one of the owners, the customer svc rep and the head of maintenance.

It's not often Tracy wants to get involved usually because we try to keep business and home life separate, but in this case, I think it was the best decision to get her involved. They needed to see her frustration and mine - in person - and give us a plan, both verbal and in writing, what they were going to do to correct the issues we raised.

The lesson, without the gory details is this: In life, EVERYTHING you expect to happen needs to be a MANAGED expectation.

If you desire an outcome, MANAGE the process.

That doesn't mean you get involved in the minutiae, or the small details, but you look at the process of what you want to happen and if you have an idea of how it should work, voice your thoughts. Don't sit on them. 

Have an INFLUENCE on each stage so the outcome matches what you want. Plain and Simple.

Every successful builder of homes is at the homes or a rep of his/hers is at each home on a REGULAR basis to make sure the process goes as they want. 

Because, as many have told me, there are too many decisions you'll have someone else making for you that are likely contrary to your vision.

Got it? It took me going through this with our property mgmt company to remind me just how important this is.

Adios and have a good weekend - Now, Go Make an Offer(TM)!


P.S. Watch for a special, BLOG reader's only offer coming up, OK? It'll be one not to miss for sure. I am just wrapping up the details now.

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