Monday, April 28, 2008

Some Jerk...Here's Proof Pal.

Yeah, I can get a little hot under the collar sometimes.

Anyone who knows me, knows I can be pushed only so far,
then the wheels come off and I get ugly.

Some *FORMER* blog reader of mine sent this email to me:

I think you're a scammer and I think your real estate investing
information is a joke. Why don't you go back to drilling teeth.
-John Escobar, DDS"

Well JOHN ESCOBAR, DDS, first off, I'm not a dentist. Duh.

That was my first hint the guy had his head up his...well, you know.

Second, I provide ALL SORTS of PROOF all the time about
how others are doing, myself included.

In FACT DR. ESCOBAR, here's a check my two partners and I
recently cashed on one of our deals USING THE EXACT
same tools and techniques I teach at the SOREM website

Now, I can't promise some dundle-fritz with his brain CLEARLY
not working can make money at ANYTHING, let alone real
estate investing.

But I do know this: If Dr. ESCOBAR made it through dental
school, he SURELY could be a successful real estate investor
if he so choose. RIGHT, Doc?

Dr. Escobar, I think YOU are a woosie and I'm glad you're
not MY dentist. AND, I also have to say I can't imagine if you
give up so easily on real estate investing how you ever got
that first crown cut...Must've been a real nail biter, eh?

There. Now I feel better.


P.S. The moral of this BLOG Post? Don't let some Dumb, No-Experience
Doofus tell YOU what you should be doing in life. Don't let them, as Ron
LeGrand(r) says, "Steal Your Dreams." Now, Go Make An Offer!!


omfs1 said...


I just read your post and had to laugh (good thing to start a day...its 0845 am)!

It never ceases to amaze me how critical and "closed minded" people can be of others.

The way I see it, you "get out what you put in" and the results are nobody's fault but your own...
(Its just me, but I have this big thing about personal accoutability and responsibility...)

I have been studying, no...devouring, the information you have provided. I have learned a ton of things that I never would have known prior to getting involved with your group.

I may not have cashed a check but I am certain that I am closer than my above noted dental colleague...

Besides, even if I do not cash a check (not likely), what I may save on my next "personal" real estate deal will probably pay for my recent education via your organization...

Thanks Jerry and keep up the good work.


Jerry A. Jones said...

Thanks for the comment Russell! You're so right on the money there!

Hey, soon, I'll have a report about a new service we're using to streamline our marketing and FIX it!! Can't wait. Take care and talk to you soon, Jerry