Monday, December 8, 2008

Sir Richard Branson on Economic Recovery

I thought you'd appreciate Sir Richard's outlook. I think he's right
on target.

Once again, it's up to us "little guys."

Let's get it done...Jerry

Branson on Business: It's up to all of us entrepreneurs

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A message we should listen carefully to?


Check out this story:

If you're buying properties, they better be cash flowing.

If that message hasn't sunk in by now, then you're doomed to get into trouble.

With the rush of people from residential to commercial (developers, builders, investors), there's bound to be a mess made soon enough.

The patient will win at the slaughter!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How to Handle an Un-Motivated Seller in this Market

Believe it or not, there are a lot of sellers out there that reality
has yet to hit.

House prices are still high in many areas; but time and an increased
need or perceived need will soften the beach head.

In the meantime though, it can make buying or making offers frustrating.

There are two ways you can handle sellers like this:

1) wait for time and circumstances to change their mind or their
lives; or,

2) go on to the next seller.

If you choose #2, be sure to go back on occasion and check in on the
seller you skipped.

Because, when time and circumstances change, you want to be there for

Adios, Jerry

Friday, November 7, 2008

Success Magazine Article

Check out page 86 and 87 in this month's issue of Success magazine. It's the one with Donny Deutsch on the cover (The Next Big Idea guy).

Great and short article on Real Estate Investing right now - plus, there's a tie in with the last post I made on depreciation.

Is there really a better investment than real estate?

Yes. There is. But, the answer may surprise you.

I'll reveal it in my next post. One you WON'T want to miss.

Adios, Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Depreciation - How to use if to your almost unfair advantage

The last couple of posts I've written, I've talked about depreciation some.

You know what BAD depreciation is (see last two posts). 

So what is GOOD depreciation?

Answer: The kind that is associated with Real Estate Investments!

OK, so smarty, here's the real definition for Depreciation associated with real estate investments...

Checking my handy-dandy Barron's Real Estate Guide, here's what if says:

"Realty that is subject to deductions for depreciation. Depreciation here, is allocating the cost of an asset over its useful life."

What that means is that every year, you get to DEPRECIATE your property and take a DEDUCTION OFF YOUR TAXES for this depreciation.

How cool is that?

I'll tell you...but you have to wait for the next BLOG post. But, trust me, you'll like it even more, and then, all this depreciation stuff will tie in together.

Oh, BTW, if you've bought a new car in the last 2 weeks AND have been a  reader of my Blog, SHAME ON YOU!

Adios, Jerry

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Follow-up to last Blog Post...BAD Investments

So what is the definition of a Depreciating Asset?

In my last blog post I mentioned them.

To define, let's first define 'Depreciation.'

1) Depreciation in accounting terms means, "allocating the cost of an asset over its estimated useful life."

2) Depreciation in tax terms means, "an annual tax deduction for wear and tear and loss of utility of property."

3) Depreciation in automobile terms means, "a decrease or loss in value due to age, wear and tear or market conditions."

Believe it or not, there are more definitions. Would you believe it also means, "an instance of disparaging or belittlement?"

OK, so what are we talking about?

For the conversation yesterday, let's focus on #3. 

Do you have a new or newer car?

In the last 5 years, I've had 6 new (to me) cars. The cheapest one, a new Dodge truck, cost just under $40,000. I owned if for 3 years. I just sold it for $21,000. I put 39,000 miles on it. Can you believe I spent, after tires, maintenance, insurance, etc. are considered, over 70 cents a MILE just to look cool and feel good?

I just bought back a 2004 Lincoln Navigator I originally bought new for $59,000. I sold it for about $28,000 after 2 years. I just paid $13,000 to buy it back. It has only 72,000 miles on it and is in great condition and runs very well with a 2 year warranty remaining.

In an estimate of fast math just now, I figured I have spent over $250,000 on worthless sheet metal with motors and brakes attached in the last 5 years. 

If I had that invested in 12% student loan notes which my dental assisting school sells, any idea how much I'd have made over a period of just 24 months? A lot.

The lesson here: DO NOT BUY NEW CARS. Stupid people with small brains and a personality disorder buy new cars. I can say that because I am a reformed New Car Buyer. If you're buying new cars, THINK before doing. THINK about your kids or grandkids or spouse or favorite non-profit...heck, even your retirement plan!

Instead, buy used. 2 year old or older. Let some other moron swallow the depreciation. 

You know, I even KNEW I was the moron at one point, but my ego didn't care. 

Financial literacy, as Robert Kiyosaki says, is the beginning of your wealth education. Get literate. Figure out what terms like DEPRECIATION mean and USE that to your advantage.

Next Blog Post: Depreciation and USING it to your practically UNFAIR advantage in... REAL ESTATE Investments!

Adios, Jerry

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Worst Investment Every Dentist is Guilty of...

It's been too long and I've been too distracted with other 'stuff' to BLOG, but now I'm back.

I know, I know, you're so excited you can hardly keep yourself from hitting DELETE.

But, hang on...The next couple of BLOG posts will be well worth your time, especially in THIS
economic climate.


Well, because now seems like an appropriate time to mention the worst investment ever:

It's not necessarily stocks. It's definitely not real estate (contrarily, now is
about the best time EVER to be an investor).

It's NOT your home.

It's not your ex-wife. (Although some clients I know have no choice!)

Quite honestly, it's...


Yes. Cars. Trucks. SUVs. (Note: I am not talking antiques.)

Most of us are involved in this really, really stupid trap.

And, I'm super guilty.

We buy depreciating assets, like cars.

You know: Crap that devalues the instant we take possession.

Granted, sometimes it can't be avoided.

However, my experience tells me most of time it can be.

Where does the problem start?

Simple. MOST folks out there don't understand the word 'depreciation'
nor do they understand how to COMBAT it.

My next couple of emails will speak to both these subjects.

We'll get into what depreciation can mean (bad and good).

And, I'll hit the easiest things you and I can do kick the crap out of it.

After all, it's robbing us blind; most of us ignore it. Smart people USE it to their advantage!

Adios, Jerry

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Best Advice for ANY Business...Not Just Crabbing

I'm a huge fan of Discovery Channel's Deadliest Catch. 

Capt Sig Hansen is the owner of the Northwestern and one of the show's main characters in the REAL real life drama.

In a live chat back in 2007, he gives some great advice we should all think about:

Ttommy farrel: How do you always catch the most crab?
Sig: We've been fortunate the last few years. One thing I've noticed is that if the fleet hear of a hot spot, they tend to huddle together and fish that area the next year. We've been sly in venturing in the opposite direction and finding crab elsewhere. I think a big advantage in doing that is even if there's less crab per pot, there are less pots to compete with. That makes your average better and you can fish in an area longer, hopefully having a better season in the end.

So...The deal is: Are you following the rest of the fleet? Or, are you going against the grain?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Trump...To the Rescue!

Thought you might find it interesting that even Trump deals in Foreclosures on single family homes:

Geez, and I thought the market was terrible...Ha!

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

LeGrand, my mentor, Throws FREE Event

You know, I thought my mentor and friend Ron LeGrand(R) had done a wonderful job in the past with his amazing customer appreciation events...I mean, 5 days and an endless array of entertainment, prizes, and some of the best trainers in the country. But this time, he's gone WAY over the top...Imagine: real estate training AND entertainment from the likes of Jay Leno, Henry Winkler, Terry Fador...and MORE

Click here to get the details. I hope to see you there!

Adios for now, Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Monday, July 14, 2008

Why Raw Land is a Great "Niche!"

Raw Land is a great "niche" within real estate investing. Why?

There's little if any cost in pre-screening properties and once you do a few pieces of raw land in a given area, it just gets easier and faster the more you do.
Since the investment is mainly in time, one of the things I like is I can squeak it into small time blocks I have or in the late evening or early morning hours whenever it's convenient for me.
Just these couple of aspects makes Raw land one of my favorite "niches," if you will, in real estate investing.
But, there's even more!

The reasons are many:

1)   No physical improvements to inspect

2)   You can see if it's in an area of potentially increasing value or in the "Path of Progress"

3)   You generally can have a clean slate to work with

4)   There are a multitude of Exit Strategies and options to include staggered options

5)   There is a definite amount of work you know that has to be done to get it to the point of being developed, as far as the land is concerned (irrespective of local or state government requirements which can change and are numerous).

6)   It's generally easy to see what you are getting

7)   You can sometimes slice and dice; buying it by the gallon and selling it by the shot

8)   It's usually easiest to get seller financing when purchasing and, when structured properly, you can offer seller financing when you sell, too.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Art of Pre-Screening Raw Land

I conducted a one-hour training today for Platinum Members of the SOREM community ( and it turned out quite well.

I've included the first few of my 17-item, quick-prescreening checklist:

I. Location in relationship to assumption you know marketplace. Everyone knows the axiom: Location, Location, Location. Dunes Landing property is good example.

II. Price – High, low, similar. If high or low, why?
a. If low, could be problems, looking for fast sale,
b. If high, may have a plan in place, entitlements, approvals, due diligence you need only verify
c. Ask Questions when you get to that point.

REMEMBER: You are looking for CLUES that lead you to believe there is a distressed property, unsophisticated seller or motivated seller!

III. Motivated Seller – How is it advertised, wording, offering creative deal structure.
a. Motivated Seller!
b. Seller Financing!
c. Seller Leaving State
d. Must Sell This Weekend
e. Partnership Problems!
f. Foreclosure!
g. Bank REPO/REO
h. Owner Will Carry
i. Kick me I am down!

Anyway, there's the first three things I analyze when beginning to look at different raw land properties.

Later this week, I'll post the big reasons WHY RAW LAND is a great niche in real estate investing to be involved in!

Go Make an Offer!

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Monday, July 7, 2008

What's next for the economy?

The reality is, no one knows. What I do know is that residential real
estate values here in my town, Salem, Oregon, are plummeting. And,
very quickly.

Houses in OK neighborhoods that would have sold for $200K+ last year
are now selling in the high $160s!

What that means for us as investors is that have to continually buy
better and better (translation: pay a lower and lower amount below
the ARV, or the quick re-sale value) to protect ourselves. This isn't
the time to run and hide! It's the time to get some incredibly great

Not sure or don't have a full grasp on what's going on in your area?

You need to. In fact, if there's one thing you should ALWAYS stay up
on it's your local market.

A great place to learn more: and click on Local
Market Conditions.

Plus, subscribe to a local CCIM's newsletter (visit and
contact a local CCIM agent near you to ask if they publish one - a
state of the market type publication). I know our local Coldwell
Banker or Prudential (sad, cannot remember which one) puts out a
quarterly report on the local commercial real estate, which from my
view, is incredibly over-valued in our area.

Tom Cowan, my partner on several projects, and contributor to my
regular Raw Land and Commercial Property LOS Program Newsletter, has
created an incredible Special Report on the economy a few weeks back;
much of what he reviewed and talked about in his report is already
coming to fruition.

LOS Members/Subscribers will be receiving this report in the mail
over the next few weeks.

Get a handle on what's going on locally. You can't predict the future
but you can follow trends, look for signs and invest strategically
for the long haul!

Now, Go Make an Offer!
Adios, Jerry

Monday, June 23, 2008

How to Get Apartment Owners Calling You!

If you have apartment owners or other land owners calling you and asking you to buy vs. you calling them and asking to buy, who's in the better position?

Who's seeking who? Is it better to be sought after then seek? In this case, yes.

I've been a student of direct mail advertising for over a decade. I've generated millions of dollars of sales...through the mail.

There are tricks to the trade, formulas and writing styles all to be considered yet, none of that matters if you don't have a list of people you can help.

I've developed a system that is still in the beta test stages that I am using now to get local and out-of-state apartment owners calling ME so I can take their problems off their hands.

It's NOT just a series of letters and postcards designed to get motivated sellers to call; it's also educating and positioning and more!

Anyway, I'll be talking more about this amazing tool and how it's working for us in the coming months.


Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

You want to Wholesale? Part II

Ah...So today is strategy #2, and it's a more advanced strategy than driving areas you want to find deals in.

SO here we go:

#2 Mail postcards (see for the best source) to areas you are currently driving. If owners are not at the address, the mail can be fwded to them. The best place to get this list is either via, or, do what I did and contact our local county assessor's office and ask what types of variables you can request mailing lists under. I like SFR (single family residential), non-owner occupied, delinquent on taxes and if possible, code violators. These are all signs of potentially motivated folks.

And, most importantly, do NOT mail these folks one time. I've bought many houses after mailing to someone 2, 3 and even 4 times before they called me. Since their situation changes, you have to be in front of them when it does, offering to take a headache off their hands.

In a future post, I'll cover How to Snag All the Wholesale Buyers you'll ever need!

Now, Go Make an Offer!(TM)

~ADIOS, Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

So you want to find WHOLESALE deals, eh?

One of the fastest (However, most saturated) places to make money fast in real estate quick-turn investing ala Ron LeGrand(R) is the ability to wholesale property.

Wholesaling is when you find and sell quickly, a house that needs repairs, that is under market, and generally at the local area's median price or below. The Buyer is generally a landlord-type, or a rehabber-type.

Sometimes, depending on your area, you can find REOs (real estate owned or Bank Owned) properties that fit this bill. You simply buy direct from the Bank via their agent/broker and make offers on as many houses as you can using, as a purchase price minimum guide, Ron's time-tested formula of MAO=70% of the ARV minus repairs. Or, if you want to get modify that to MAO=ARV-Repairs times 70%. You'll get two different numbers. The second scenario gives you a $9,000 difference.

There are two possible strategies.

#1 Drive areas where you want to buy and look for vacant and/or neglected houses. No garbage cans in my area is a good sign. High grass, roofs in poor condition, etc., are all tell-tale signs. Then, you get in contact with the owner. Via letter or phone call.

#2 - I'll save this for the next post.

Until then...Go Make an Offer!
~Adios, Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

has the media won?

dang, i get pissed when i look around and see all the negativity.

oil is high.

groceries are high.

homebuilders are going out of business.

people are losing their homes.

folks, this CRAP goes on in "good" and "bad" times.

how YOU react to it, filter it, pay attention to it, determines how
well you'll do.


i got an email today from a sorem member and frankly, i'm not going
to respond.

i could tell it was a "woe is me" email after the first sentence,
where he was looking for comisseration.

(sorry about the spelling)

the last place you or i need to be is down in the dumps good times or

every time you feel/see/sense negativity, shake the urge to even
consider it.

focus on the GOOD. the 5% or less bad around us isn't worthy of even
entering our minds.

if your plans aren't going how you want 'em, SHIFT. move. take a
different approach.

the media LOVE selling bad news. it makes for a great story. it's
hard to sell success. people settle easily.

don't let the popular press beat you into submission. fight the urge.

don't wine. don't pee and moan.

no one likes a whiner.

i hate quitters.

ok...let's get on it. go search and MAKE something

find a good deal, tie it up, put together your exit strategies, get a
team put together and do it!

now, go make an offer!

adios, jerry

Monday, June 9, 2008

Ah...a better recording.

What's Jerry Reading? - search Rob Minton, Income for Life is the books....

Friday, June 6, 2008

Here is a link to one of the ZILLOW ads

I'm sorry if you didn't click on this blog post earlier. I had to take the ZILLOW ad example down.

If you want to see a PDF copy of it, email me at and I will send it to you.

In fact, we have 2 zillow ads running and I may add another.



A quick update on ZILLOW EZ Ads:

Earlier this week I mentioned the ads...TODAY, we picked up our first lead from the ad.

I'll keep you updated. Again, it was nothing fancy, the usual stuff - Sell Your House As-Is (ala Richard Roop) and another, "We Buy Houses" type ad.

Check 'em out on

Have a great weekend, Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Hard to Believe....

When I first got started in real estate investing in single family
homes, I had a mentor tell me one time that people would literally
call me from my ads and B*E*G me to take their house.

I found that next to impossible to believe.

Until people called me and spoke of being in such dire straits, it
became clear that to many, having a home is a HUGE burden and a real
giant 800# gorilla.

You see, when you can't afford to pay the taxes, the insurance, the
garbage bill, and not to mention the adjustable rate mortgage, all
while feeding your family and keeping clothes on them...well, it's no
wonder apartment or rental house living is desirable and even a WANT
for some.

Maybe there's been a time in your life when the stress level was just
enormous, the bills piled up, the economy was tanking...and to make
matters worse, your job future was questionable.

See, it's easy to get overwhelmed.

Getting out from under a huge house payment and the ongoing upkeep is
a real and substantial relief for people in distress.

I can think of two very recent cases where a Seller has called off of
our marketing (letters, postcards, ads in newspapers, etc.) efforts
where the guy and gal were just beside themselves wanting to get the
albatross off their backs. Knowing someone would come in and help
them get rid of it and even help them find a new place and help them
move, well, that was a real relief to them.

If I'm not there to help them, what happens? Who would or could help

The Sheriff isn't going to care once he locks them out.

The bank isn't going to care when the take the house back.

Her employer likely isn't going to care when she can't make it to
work any longer.

So, it's up to folks like us. And, we get paid well in the process.

These deals are not only satisfying when you're able to help someone
get to a better state in their life, but they are lucrative.

Over the last several deals, we've even seen our average per house
profit increase to close to $23,000

Granted, we're investing money each month on marketing, but our ROI
is tremendous (which is the only measure I'm interested in!)

If you're wondering, in the back of your mind, why you should be
doing this business, the money is one reason. Helping others out of
their situations is a HUGE one. In fact, helping others is one of the
chief reasons I got BACK into the residential side of the business.

Adios, Jerry

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

An Unusual Place to Get Leads?

Check out for a place to put an ad to BUY houses.

And, if you have an inventory of homes you're offering financing on, seems like a good place to advertise to attract tenant/buyers, too.

We run 20,000 impressions a month for $200.00

One of my clients reports averaging 2 leads a month for buying houses @ a cost of about $100 a lead!

They are called EZ Ads. You'll need to start an account on ZILLOW, but the cost is zip.

Adios, Jerry

Friday, May 23, 2008

a great place to get STATS on your market


What a week. So many very excellent things happening, it's hard to
track it all.

Statistics on what a market is doing is critical; you must know this
BEFORE buying property, and it's best to get it first-hand from
reliable sources and NOT from a broker that is trying to sell you a
property. If you do get info from a broker/agent, just remember,
"Trust, But Verify."

Check out your area's MLS (multiple listing service) for stats on
both residential and some multi-family properties.

For instance, I can track what's happening in the Willamette Valley
by visiting our regions MLS site:

I can run FREE reports that show recent stats on residential and what
the market is doing (hot, post-hot, cold, warm, recovering, etc.) -
trends based on home sales within recent months.

If you decide to invest in other areas, like I do a lot of (for
instance, San Angelo, Texas and all over Iowa) you can get a TON of
info from a simple resource like this on virtually any area's MLS site.

Check it out BEFORE YOU BUY. Another great resource, especially if
you are going multi-family:

Go Make an Offer!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

who's doing deals?

A lot of whining continues from un-savvy (which translates to un-
trained) real estate investors.

Meanwhile, all OVER the U.S. other investors are just killing it.

I'm at an event right now in Long Beach that is a haven for finding
folks, regular guys and gals, doing some amazing and hugely
profitable deals.

What separates the wheat from the chaff are two things:

1) training
2) DO-ING something

That's it. There are other keys, but these are the biggies.

I'll post another entry here in the next day or two of THREE DENTISTS
that are just doing some amazing things.

One in Dallas. One in Kansas and another in Florida.

There's never been a better time to get started. Especially with all
the advancements in what can be done for you without your involvement!

Heck, last night, I learned how to wholesale properties in any state
right from my cell phone and computer!


Anyway, I'll be in touch...Adios, Jerry

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Time Management: You're Using The Wrong Computer.

Some time back I posted an article on Time Management.

I've got another area I've cracked, that allows a literal DAILY EXPLOSION
of time re-captured, once lost.

It's not a miracle website.

It's not a "process" to make appts.

It's not a "new" and unusual gadget.

It's not a new employee (although, a blessing and a curse aren't they?!)

It's not more cash, although, more cash does create more time, right?

Here IT is:

A computer.

Most likely, for 90% of you, you're literally using the WRONG computer.

I don't mean Windows XP vs. Vista. (oooh, my computer almost shorted just now.)

I don't mean laptop vs. desktop.

It's the BRAND and operating system that can suck up more time in a day than
inconsiderate "friends" that "just thought" they'd "stop by."

Last June, in 2007, I switched to a MacBook Pro.

For obvious reasons, that unless you own a Mac, you may find hard to believe.

Here's a short list of benefits:

* They start up quickly.
* They crash rarely and usually only when running Windows software like Word or Excel
* Their MAIL program is considerably superior.
* They are much, much, much more simple to operate and connect to things. ANYTHING.
* They are not always downloading laboriously long updates.
* They are not susceptible to viruses, so I don't have any annoying virus programs running in the "background." 

And I could go on and on.

I only recently thought how much time I re-captured every day of the week when I went from a Dell PC laptop to a Mac, when I was 
visiting a friend of mine in HIS office, wasting HIS time, and he was about ready to toss his newer Dell into the trash can. Vista
kept running updates and did so about daily.

He couldn't get work done. I encouraged him to re-claim his life and time and DO sell it on eBay and buy a Mac!

I encourage you to do the same. I've never been THIS excited about ANY computer.

Check 'em out at

You'll never regret it.

And, besides, why should Bill Gates stop in your office everyday and ROB YOU BLIND of YOUR time?

Adios, Jerry

Friday, May 9, 2008

How Much Does Construction Cost?

Great Question. It's one Tom and I (partner Tom) ask a lot about different projects we review and consider.

To get a quick ball park, look at public info on other projects. That's what we do to get a general idea.

From there, we add contingencies such as materials cost increase (right now, anything made with or processed using oil, which in construction is about everything) and site challenges (slopes, water front, wetlands, elevations, etc.).

It's a quick and easy way to calculate costs. In fact, this is my preferred method.

Then, if we get to that point in a project where we have basic drawings for a contractor, we get firmer estimates.

Eventually, you get a contract from your builder with specific prices, or fixed bid contracts.

Here's a source I use once in a while for the Greater Portland area: Daily Journal of Commerce. They print information on a lot of the big, multi-million dollar projects around the NW - including major rehabs - so you can get a ballpark, "How many millions to do this..." idea.

Adios and have a good weekend.

Now, Go Make an Offer(TM)!

Jerry A. Jones
3488 Liberty Rd S
Salem, OR 97302
P: (503) 339-6000
F: (503) 218-0557

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Best Adivce Yet?

Free advice is often worth what you pay: zip.

However, sometimes, in seeking out more experienced folks, I get a real education for pennies.

Today I am going to visit my friend Dave. He's been a local Salem resident and real estate broker here (Commercial only) for years and knows about everyone in town and has been inside or knows the owners of just about every commercial property in Salem.

I'll spend an hour with him and we'll evaluate 4 properties today.

How much will I spend with Dave?


Now, I might take him out on one of my fishing boats in Juneau (check 'em out at some time or pay for him to catch some fish with me in Cabo, but it's all worth it.

Dave will give me honest answers and keep me outta trouble. He's long-term relationship guy and old school. And you know, there's just not enough of that left around anymore is there?

Hook up with an Old School Guy/Gal and add them to your dream team. The dividends are amazing.

Now, Go Make an Offer(TM)!


Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Monday, May 5, 2008

Former BLOG Reader Decides to Respond

You guys are going to love this. Remember Dr. Escobar? Well, he's
back and decided to respond to my BLOG post, so he's no longer a
*former* reader.

Here's what he said:

"Jerry: You've held yourself out as a dentist in the past. That check
you posted is probably not even yours. Anyone cold have created that.
I get so tired of your kind of people praying on the backs of hard-
working dentists and other people out there. I would never sign up
for any course you offer. I am sure it'd be lost money. I can't see
how you can sleep at night charging someone 449 a month for your LOS
membership. What a joke. Dr. Escobar"

And of course, my reply:

Dear Dr. Escobar:
First things first. If you are going to email me more insults, kindly
refer to me as Mr. Jones, not Jerry. Secondly, I have never, ever in
my entire career held myself out as a dentist. You're just flat-out
wrong. You PROVE IT. And I won't accept your misreading something,
either. That'd be your fault, not mine. Geez. Do you want to see a
bank statement, too? Would that make you feel better? Is it just
because that's more than you earned in, oh, say, 4 or 5 months
breaking your back bent over a patient? You know Doc, there IS
another way and that is why the SOREM site exists
[]. At this point, if I knew you
wanted to sign up for a course with me, I'd not even let you in.
You'd poison the well and take real opportunity and value away from
others deserving of it. Why should I let your negative thoughts and
verbiage affect them? My mission is to expose losers like you for
what they really are. Oh, this is a good one: Preying on the hard
work of others. First off, spell it right. Secondly, no way Jose.
I've never held a gun to anyone's head demanding they participate in
ANYTHING with me. People I work with do so on their own free will and
are happy to have someone like me that will spend the time with them
to get an educational base hammered out, provide high-quality
educational materials and mastermind discussions where they can grown
and learn at an exponential rate. Frankly, spending $449 a month is a
BARGAIN compared to what I deliver. My land use and attorney's fees
often times exceed what most dental practices profit in one month -
$5k to $10k is an easy month in fact. What I PAY them to learn and do
for me I pass along and happily so, to members. Where else can you
learn what I teach? Who ELSE is going to take you by the hand and
guide you through the process of buying your first hunk of raw land
or apartment building? Who ELSE would consider partnering with you on
a project? Duh. And, I won't even touch on the other 20 or 30 Members-
only benefits. You've got to understand the insight and value
delivered is useful to those seeking it. Right? It'd be like teaching
a chiropractor to pull a tooth. WHY? It would be painful for the
patient and the chiropractor would have no practical use for the
skill, right? I think you need to re-evaluate where you are at in
life and how you are going to reach your financial goals. Perhaps an
MLM would be a good route to take. Low risk, a sure-fire way to chase
away your friends and relatives, and, I am sure great products,
right? Again, good luck to you and please, don't waste any more of
your time writing to me to try and piss me off. Ain't workin' and
I'll debate you right into the ground. Good Luck. ~Mr. Jones.

Ah, that felt so good to write that. You know, with any luck, he'll
GET it and make some positive changes in his life. Good luck to YOU!
Now, go make an offer!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Some Jerk...Here's Proof Pal.

Yeah, I can get a little hot under the collar sometimes.

Anyone who knows me, knows I can be pushed only so far,
then the wheels come off and I get ugly.

Some *FORMER* blog reader of mine sent this email to me:

I think you're a scammer and I think your real estate investing
information is a joke. Why don't you go back to drilling teeth.
-John Escobar, DDS"

Well JOHN ESCOBAR, DDS, first off, I'm not a dentist. Duh.

That was my first hint the guy had his head up his...well, you know.

Second, I provide ALL SORTS of PROOF all the time about
how others are doing, myself included.

In FACT DR. ESCOBAR, here's a check my two partners and I
recently cashed on one of our deals USING THE EXACT
same tools and techniques I teach at the SOREM website

Now, I can't promise some dundle-fritz with his brain CLEARLY
not working can make money at ANYTHING, let alone real
estate investing.

But I do know this: If Dr. ESCOBAR made it through dental
school, he SURELY could be a successful real estate investor
if he so choose. RIGHT, Doc?

Dr. Escobar, I think YOU are a woosie and I'm glad you're
not MY dentist. AND, I also have to say I can't imagine if you
give up so easily on real estate investing how you ever got
that first crown cut...Must've been a real nail biter, eh?

There. Now I feel better.


P.S. The moral of this BLOG Post? Don't let some Dumb, No-Experience
Doofus tell YOU what you should be doing in life. Don't let them, as Ron
LeGrand(r) says, "Steal Your Dreams." Now, Go Make An Offer!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Vacations: The Ultimate Productivity Strategy

Over the last couple of years, I've traveled a lot. Mostly for
educational seminars - to both attend and put on my own events.

Using my friendly American Express(R) card and mileage from Alaska
Airlines, my wife Tracy and I just returned from a free trip to
Mexico, one of my favorite places, Cabo. We stayed at the RIU Palace
(it was OK, but I won't stay there again, nothing too magical).
Here's a shot of me at the bar with El Arco in the background.
Amazing place.

Next trip: La Paz.

Every time I get back from a trip like this, even short ones of 3 or
4 days, I notice massive jumps in productivity and efficiency.

Feeling overwhelmed or stressed out? Take a vacation where you have
no computer and no cell phone. It does wonders for you. And, since
it's counter-intuitive, you can darn well bet it'll work!

Adios Amigos.
Best, Jerry

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Raw Land: Where to Start Checklist

I'm often asked by Members of the SOREM community (, "What's the initial info I need to consider in my Raw Land due diligence?"

Although there are over a hundred questions you might end up asking of the property, here are the 11 to start with that I'd recommend you never CLOSE on the purchase of a piece of raw land without:

title policy with copies of all exceptions; 
topography map; 
geotechnical and soils report; 
phase 1 environmental report; 
zoning verification; 
utility verification and fee schedules; 
impact fees; 
compliance with local codes; 
cultural resources/historical survey; 
endangered species study; and 
wetland delineation.

Adios. Now, Go Make an Offer!

P.S. Every one of these pieces can be covered, and many all at one time, by just a handful of professionals you can hire. DO NOT attempt this on your own. Get your Dream Team involved!

Monday, April 14, 2008

A 'Closing' & a Learning Experience

My 2 partners and I are about to close on the sale of 3-BR 2-BA house.

We picked it up by buying the 2nd mortgage.

We had our Buyer in place in a matter of minutes after we purchased it (shows value of having buyers ready to go for sure!) and we should have a decent profit roll in from our efforts.

We've done quite a few of these and you know, we learn something more on each and every one. Each time we buy or sell, we make a few mistakes, correct them and get the deal done.

Every closing you do should yield some learning experiences for you. Write 'em down.

Forward them to me. I'd like to compile the one and ONLY,


When I get the 100 from readers, I'll compile, publish and for each person that gives me one, they get the other 99 just for contributing. Want your own copy?

Just send me YOUR top REAL Estate Deal KILLER and I'll make sure you get one!

Adios and good luck. Now, Go Make An Offer!

Best, Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Real Estate Loans from Virgin Money

Real Estate Loans from Virgin Money

I am always looking at interesting ways to finance different ventures.

This is a cool Sir Richard Branson co. I just came across preparing for my Where to Get the Money To Finance Your Deals teleclass tomorrow.

Thought you might like to check it out.

Best, Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Financing - Where to get the CA$H!

I get this question a lot from clients and members of the SOREM ( community.

I decided a while back to hold a teleclass for the SOREM members on this particular subject.

Because you may or soon may be a member of SOREM, I'd like to invite your QUESTIONS on this particular subject.

For example, one question might be, "What's in it for an owner to WANT to carry back a note on property they're selling?"

Another might be, "Can you really buy a million dollar (or other sized) property with NO MONEY DOWN or none out of pocket?"

Still another: "I want to sell my properties before I even buy them. Do you have any ideas?"

You get the drift. Post your questions and I'll work them into the Teleclass!

Now, Go Make an OFFER(TM)!

Best, Jerry
Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Monday, March 31, 2008

An unbelievable Resource

My friend and fellow Real Estate Investor, James Erickson (, today, fwded this site to me.

I don't believe ZILLOW is 100% accurate, ever, but they are GREAT for giving you a ballpark number on a house.

NOW, it's accessible from your CELL PHONE.

Check it out:

Now, What OTHER excuse do we have for not having info we need to make an offer?

Adios and...Go Make an Offer!


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Must-Read Article

Hope the weekend is treating you right. Snow, Hail and sunshine here in Salem today.

I came across this article recently and if you are in the residential investing, quick-turn business, (YOU SHOULD BE), this is a great article on market conditions.

NOTE: My SOREM ( site has all the tools and techniques you need to BE a residential quick-turn investor...I use the very same techniques and tools discussed and showcased - Just this week, my two partners and I bought and sold a house with a net profit of just under $22,000.00. This is our average profit per deal right now - even in this "bad economy." Just $9.95 gets you started and your first 30 days are FREE, plus you'll receive over $1,000 worth of FREE "Get Started NOW" Bonuses!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Managing Management

Last week when my wife and I arrived at our vacation home, we quickly realized it was time for a visual meeting of the minds with the property mgmt company.

It wasn't long after that and we finished up a 30-minute or so intense meeting with one of the owners, the customer svc rep and the head of maintenance.

It's not often Tracy wants to get involved usually because we try to keep business and home life separate, but in this case, I think it was the best decision to get her involved. They needed to see her frustration and mine - in person - and give us a plan, both verbal and in writing, what they were going to do to correct the issues we raised.

The lesson, without the gory details is this: In life, EVERYTHING you expect to happen needs to be a MANAGED expectation.

If you desire an outcome, MANAGE the process.

That doesn't mean you get involved in the minutiae, or the small details, but you look at the process of what you want to happen and if you have an idea of how it should work, voice your thoughts. Don't sit on them. 

Have an INFLUENCE on each stage so the outcome matches what you want. Plain and Simple.

Every successful builder of homes is at the homes or a rep of his/hers is at each home on a REGULAR basis to make sure the process goes as they want. 

Because, as many have told me, there are too many decisions you'll have someone else making for you that are likely contrary to your vision.

Got it? It took me going through this with our property mgmt company to remind me just how important this is.

Adios and have a good weekend - Now, Go Make an Offer(TM)!


P.S. Watch for a special, BLOG reader's only offer coming up, OK? It'll be one not to miss for sure. I am just wrapping up the details now.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Condo King?

I've been really blessed this month to have some wonderful people to
interview for my SOREM site members. (http://

First, I interviewed Miss Spitfire, Monica Villasenor. Monica's a
former dental hygienist kicking some butt in commercial real estate.
She's located in Vegas. In a few days, SOREM members will have access
to that recording and call notes.

Then, today, I interviewed the Condo Conversion King, Mr. Matt Sparks
from Denver. Matt's done several Apartment to Condo conversions and
was just a wealth of info today for the members lucky enough to hear
him in person.

Learn more about Matt at:

You can learn more about Monica at:

Oh, I almost forgot: As a special treat this month for Platinum LOS
members, I posted a fascinating interview of Mr. George Ross and My
HERO Ron LeGrand(R) on the SOREM site as well.

Wow...It's been an amazing month - I can't say it's been a slow one
for knowledge uptake!

To learn more about membership at SOREM, visit the link above or - New Gold and Silver Members get over $1000
in free bonuses just for signing up - which is only $9.95. Platinum
LOS Members will do slightly better at over $18,000 in bonuses...To
learn more, just visit the site!

I'm off on Spring Break this next few days with the girls...Skiing
and some good times for sure.

Go Make an Offer(TM)!

P.S. If you're a dentist and you missed the All Referral Dental
Practice Event in Salt Lake City, just call my office to reserve your
own copy of the 15+ CDs that covered the event...They're just $495
and a bargain at that, plus you'll receive ALL of the same info the
attendees received, too - all the print material to support the CDs!
Call Melody: (503) 339-6000.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Visa, Crushed Housing & A Stock Market that Knows Nothing

The recent news of Visa's $18B (yes, B as in BILLION) IPO that hit yesterday gets me to thinking: Just how bad is it out there in Stock Market land? And, I wonder if THIS company is honest?

About this time last week, news began to surface about Bear Stearn's woes and the fact it looked like someone would literally need to bail them out. JP MorganChase did.

This of course is bad. But, how much of this is B.S.'s fault? It'll be interesting to see the stories that emerge. Embattled CEOs and CFOs, lies, cheating, stealing. Gee, sounds like another Enron? Another WorldCom?

Then, the Fed dropped rates 3/4%.

Where does that leave us Real Estate Investors?

Good Question.

I'm pretty sure, even in markets that are quickest to react like California, Arizona and Nevada, we've got  a ways to go before a "bottom" is reached.

This shouldn't scare us. Why?

If you're following the rules, when you BUY is when you make your money. You get paid when you sell (unless you're lease optioning the property as an exit strategy and you'll get some now and some later of course).

So if you're buying a property with a $100k first and an $80k second, and you're wiping off the 2nd for $1k and you choose to bring the 1st current if it's a good loan and you can sell the home on an AITD or other situation, what's ugly about that? Why would you STOP investing?

I've noticed a lot of investors pulling back. Frankly, that's unfortunate. The best deals are still out there and there's another 12 to 18 months of them to go, unlike what most experts originally thought that there'd only be 12 to 18 months of a run like this and now, we're 12 months+ into it already.

Get back to basics. Get some training. Get to events where the guys are in the trenches everyday so you can stay up-to-date on how the loss mitigators are handling cases.

For you commercial investors out there, just know that any properties you are developing, you better be prepared to have a financing and money plan in place that will help you hold tight for 24 to 36 months until things pick up again.

We looked at a gorgeous 27 acre property last week here in Oregon, but, problem is, even in a nice market like that, we're 36 months from IT taking off and being able to absorb our project, not to mention some of the serious issues to be dealt with like moving a few roads and blasting through a lot of rock to do it. With a Seller that's not in a position to wait to be cashed out, it's not a deal for us.

Anyway, now more than ever, thinking through each deal is critical. That doesn't mean there aren't deals out there, it means the SMART investors will make the most money. You've got to play the game to win. 

So don't sulk. There's money out there (Visa proved it - $18 Billion) and there's always going to be losers that lie cheat and steal. Now's the time to make hay while this type of "sun" is shining.

Now, Go make an Offer(TM)!


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Earlier Post from Today on Productivity

Hi Guys/Gals,

The post I made earlier today didn't quite get finished out. Gary
Bencevinga is one of my hero creating print ads that

His tip was sooo good and a great reminder and fit right in with a
couple earlier posts about time mgmt, that I couldn't resist sharing
his No-Nonsense approach with you.

I am just finishing up a seminar in SLC, UT, tonight, on building an
all-referral dental practice. It was a great time and from the
feedback, a great success.

I'll be posting some info this week to my BLOG on a project we're
getting ready to make a move on this week and I'll let you check out
the LOI if I can, once it's ready to go.

Incidentally, here in SLC, commercial property is BOOMING. The entire
downtown is undergoing a lot of renovation and building. Across from
our hotel, and the Temple, a large building's foundation was being
poured last night. They had 4 pumper trucks and a line of concrete
trucks (about 30 to 40 of them) getting the job done. I snapped a
couple photos with my cell and have attached 'em here.

Check out and take a look at what's going on here - The
bad news is it's probably too late to get in on a lot of the
commercial stuff here - but every market cycles! I would bet
apartment complexes would be viable targets still, though and Loopnet
will give you an idea! Go Make an Offer(TM)!


The #1 Strategy for Exploding Your Productivity This Year

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Gary Bencivenga" <>
Date: March 4, 2008 8:23:54 AM PST
To: "Jerry Jones" <>
Subject: New BULLET from Gary--The #1 Strategy for Exploding Your Productivity This Year

Dear Top Gun,

     A new BULLET--one that is so critical to your success
that I consider it a rare SILVER BULLET--is now posted for
you at the link below.

     It is entitled, The #1 Strategy for Exploding Your
Productivity This Year.

     I guarantee that this little secret is so powerful, it
will not only double or even triple your personal
productivity, but will also give you (at least) an extra
two hours a day to spend on whatever you want, whatever
makes you most successful and happy.

     Hard to believe? Perhaps. But as you'll see, I am not
the only one who feels this way after putting this secret
to use on a daily basis. With so many people and projects
placing so many demands on your limited time, this is one
of the most important secrets of success I have ever
discovered. As with all the Bullets, it's yours free, my
gift to you...and waiting for you now at:

Sincere wishes for a good life
and (always!) higher response,

Accountable Advertising, Inc.
734 Franklin Ave., #312
Garden City, NY 11530
United States
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

Jerry A. Jones
3488 Liberty Rd S
Salem, OR 97302
P: (503) 339-6000
F: (503) 218-0557

Thursday, March 13, 2008


You'll need Quiktime to view this Blog Post.
You'll also hear typewriter in the background...I'm just learning how
all this cool Mac stuff works!
Go Make an Offer!(TM)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Jury's In...Looks like a Deal worth Pursuing

Last night I posted a note about a 27 acre parcel. I drove the 4 hour round trip today and all I can tell you is it was worth it.

We'll be making an offer on this property likely, tomorrow.

Some cool things I learned or re-learned in some cases, today:

1) If a broker likes you, he's going to work hard to get an offer presented to the seller, (Some states, this can be their client and you, too, the buyer, can also be their client - some states this doesn't work and it takes a special indiv to handle dual roles - buyer's and seller's agent and some investors will never get into that situation where that's the case - I have had it go bad, too, but, I've also had it work well - it's all about who you're dealing with, as usual.) and make sure your offer gets the explanation and consideration it should. Under law, a broker has to present every offer to their client. However, we both know that if a broker doesn't like you, that's strike 1. It goes both ways: If you don't like them and don't think they job can get done, WHACK 'em.

2) No matter what, walking the land is important. It gives you a perspective you simply cannot get any other way. Hence, my demanding of myself that I travel SOMETIME to the mid-west this summer and visit some of our multi-family units. It's a unique situation so I have not as of yet, but soon will.

3) Every state has its own micro-economies. What's happening in Salem isn't likely happening in Florence, 2-hours away. GET THE FACTS and talk to people that are in the know and that have the data to back up yours and their assumptions.

OK, enough for tonight - I gotta get some more work done.

Now, Go Make an Offer(TM)!


Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Monday, March 10, 2008

Deals, Deals, Deals.

Now's the time to be looking anywhere and everywhere for deals. My partner Tom and I are headed to a property tomorrow, that is listed, in my opinion and based on my research, at about 50% of its true value. Why the owners are selling I have no idea. I also don't think they are hurting for cash, instead, just want to cash in their chips and in retire (sounds boring to me!).

It's a 27 acre parcel with good views, close to a Wal-Mart, has all services at site and the only questions I have so far are: 1.) what's the capacity for the services (can they handle a lot of infrastructure) and 2.) will the owners carry back some or all of the paper so we can get in with no-money down and structure a payment on the back end. All my other initial questions have been answered. I do know enough about the area and its growth rate to feel some initial confidence so we'll see what else we can dig up.

It's a chunk-a cash they're looking for, a hair over $5,000,000, so we'll see what happens. I think an option to purchase is even more attractive! I wonder if I can get one for a few hundred bucks? A challenge for sure!

I hope I have some good news to share with you about this piece in a day or two.

There's deals everywhere I look, including and well, frankly, if you're not making offers on residential properties all around you that are in foreclosure, you're wasting time!

Good luck and Go Make an Offer!(TM)

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Monday, March 3, 2008

More on Loopnet!

A quick video blog post on!

State-wide Deal Search...VALUE or time waster?

This is no joke, but last night, I spent almost 90 minutes straight, uninterrupted searching through deals on Loopnet.

If you don't know about Loopnet, that's going to change here after my post.

Here's the thing:

Loopnet is HUGE. It encompasses millions dollars of properties for sale and lease, over 2.5 million members and there's a deal in every state of the nation and other COUNTRIES, too. So, it's truly a massive resource for you to check out commercial property deals in your area.

I think I pay about $134 a year or something like that for premium membership and it allows me to even post ads.

During my 90 min search, I came up with about 4, maybe 5 potential deals.

I email those to Melody in my office and she prints out the details on each one and I evaluate whether or not I want to pursue them.

Pursuit is as easy as calling one of my brokers and putting him on it. Or, I call the listing agent - depends on where and what it is.

The HUGE value is being able to cover an entire state of commercial property deals in 90 minutes!

I had a broker for one of the big national cos. tell me one time that only the "Crap" properties are on that site.

Depends on your definition of crap I suppose. If you want all "retail price" deals and you like paying full price (I hate that) then it's not a place you'll want to visit. Those full priced properties can be found anywhere, anytime.

For instance, I found a deal on Loopet recently that on the surface looked so good I had to email the broker to see if it was a misprint on price. It wasn't. I sent that deal off to a Platinum LOS Member in Texas for further eval. We'll see where it goes.

Anyway, since these last two posts were about Time Management,'s a great place to spend a few minutes every day or once a week. (I like daily since the deals are easier to recognize and that killer one may just still be there by the time I see it!)

Have a great week! Now, Go Make an Offer(TM)!


Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Friday, February 22, 2008

Time Management for Real Estate Investors Part II

Friday's here. Yeah! Even as someone that has been self-employed (read: self-empowered) for almost twelve years, I STILL get excited when Fridays arrive. There's a sense of relief for Saturday and Sunday and not having to be outta bed at O'Dark-Thirty, getting the oldest daughter ready for school, etc.

Today's also a big day for the Jones household. It's Grandparent's Day but even more important than that: It's Lynia, my youngest daughter's birthday! She turns TWO!

We're having a big bash for her today at the house - cupcakes, ice cream, balloons, etc. It's going to be a wild party!

So, let me get you a couple brief, wise, powerful tips on managing your time as a real estate investor:

1) if you can't do all you want to do, PARTNER with someone that can help you. I brought on 2 people, Tom and Kevin, to help me with my residential home buying business. It's a lot of work for one person and gee, with all the other things to keep me busy, the last thing I need is another "task," so Kevin and Tom handle the heavy lifting for me and we split the profits equally. It's a great arrangement, but more importantly, it keeps me in the game and keeps me buying properties and keeps the cash flow up that otherwise might be erratic since my time commitment would be as well.

2) OUTSOURCE. These days, there's people that can do just about EVERYTHING but meet wit Sellers for your business. You can hire PATLIVE (click here: ) to take the calls and you can hire SalesTeam Live (click here: ) to handle the marketing. You are then relegated to reviewing/prescreening deals which takes seconds and meeting with sellers (you shouldn't ever have to meet with a buyer - if you are, you need help managing the Selling PROCESS and that's a subject too lengthy for his BLOG).

Just taking care of the inbound calls and marketing will free you up. I know Dentists that are working 30 to 40 hours a week, two, three and FIVE kids at home and they are still finding 10 hrs (which is enough) to devote to their real estate businesses and they are OUT-EARNING their dental practices or at least have a comparable income from their investing business.

Love to have your comments/thoughts...Post 'em and if you haven't yet, check out the 30-day, $9.95 trial at SOREM...the link is below.

Adios and have a great weekend. I'm going to grab some lunch with James (and do our first-ever "Marketing Beer Cast" - watch for more info on this - it'll be a HUGE hit!) and then head home to a fun birthday party! Later!

P.S. If you're a dentist reading this and you'd like to AUTOMATE NP referrals, visit this link - this is a timely link, so if you're reading it after Feb 27th, it likely won't apply!

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Monday, February 18, 2008

Another SUCCESS Story from the Trenches!

This'll take some doing for you to get to it, but you can by doing the following:

1) click on and scroll down to where it says, mid-page, Deal of the Month Winner! and click there to read the story.

2) read the story of Dr. Stephen Blank and his wife, Jean!

I want to personally congratulate Dr. Blank on his awesome deal!!! They are graduates of the Real Estate Boot Camp for Busy Dentists and were referred to it by Greg Sneyd and the Crown Council! Way to go!!!

Best, Jerry

Real Estate Education & FREE Information for Busy Dentists - For more information visit

Friday, February 15, 2008

How to Find Motivated Sellers

Happy Friday to you all.

I've attached an email from a Central Oregon developer sitting on some absolutely gorgeous lots in Sunriver, very close to our 2nd home.

You'll notice the sweet deal they have going - 2 yrs ago, you'd NEVER have seen an offer like this, however, an all-cash offer might have gotten you noticed as you clamored to compete with other home builders just to get a lot reservation.

In the Feb issue of the LOS newsletter, I'll go over some of the things to watch out for with deals like this. But overall, these can be incredibly lucrative, especially if you have a crystal ball and you have a good feeling and indicators are pointing to the bottom of market with an upswing around the corner.

Have a great weekend, Jerry

PS If you want to see some decent marketing, get on the email list of Caldera Springs. Of the many real estate cos. I've rec'd marketing from, these folks are some of the best...And I don't hand out compliments to just anyone.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Caldera Springs Team <>
Date: February 15, 2008 8:38:35 AM PST
Subject: Exceptional Homesite Opportunity at Caldera Springs

Caldera Springs
No Payments. No Interest. No Dues...
Exceptional Homesite Opportunity
There has never been a better time to become part of the growing community at Caldera Springs.

For a limited time, the developer is offering a selection of homesites with seller financing (to qualified purchasers), with no payments, no interest, and no association dues ranging from 10 to 20 months!

This limited offering includes a selecton of spacious, forested homesites for maximum privacy as well as a few special water view homesites.

This is your opportunity to secure your place in this extraordinary new community, and begin enjoying the Caldera Springs lifestyle.

Our last release sold out in just one week! You don't want to miss out.

Contact your Sunriver Realty agent immediately to learn more, as this special offer ends March 31.

(541) 593-3000 or (800) 781-9462

Learn More About Caldera Springs»


Click here to forward this email to a friend!

Caldera Springs LLC / Sunriver Realty
PO Box 3650
57057 Beaver Drive
Sunriver, OR 97707

Remove yourself from future email here or reply to this message with the word 'remove' in your email message subject line. 

This message was sent to


Jerry A. Jones
3488 Liberty Rd S
Salem, OR 97302
P: (503) 339-6000
F: (503) 218-0557